Decision details

Restructure of the Housing Enabling and Empty Homes Team

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Community, Executive

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The report of the Acting Head of Housing Services was submitted, seeking approval for the restructure of the Housing Services Unit’s Enabling and Empty Homes Teams to create a new Housing Development Team. This team will provide a comprehensive service delivering affordable housing in Exeter.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 7 June 2011 and their comments and support were noted.




(1)        the posts of Empty Homes Partnership Manager and Empty Homes Partnership Officer [CE06118 and CE06182] be deleted from the establishment of the Council, and the employment of the holders of those posts be terminated on the grounds of redundancy on 30 September 2011 with compensation being paid to the holder(s) of the post(s) in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local

Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006;


(2)        the new structure as outlined in Appendix II of the report be approved and implemented in accordance with the Council’s Organisational Change Policy, and for any displaced employees to be confirmed as redundant; and


(3)        where, despite all efforts, notice of redundancy is confirmed and suitable

alternative employment not found, those employees with two or more years’ service be paid a compensation payment upon employment termination in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation)

            (England and Wales) Regulations 2006


(Report circulated to Members)

Publication date: 24/06/2011

Date of decision: 21/06/2011

Decided at meeting: 21/06/2011 - Executive

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