Decision details

Liveable Water Lane: Development Framework and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document

Decision Maker: Executive, Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the report of the adoption of the Liveable Water Lane Supplementary Planning Document




RECOMMENDED that Council approves the adoption of the Water Lane SPD, included as Appendix A of the report.


RESOLVED that the Executive:-


(1) note the Consultation Statement which documents responses to the consultation on the Liveable Water Lane: development Framework and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (the “Water Lane SPD"), the Water Lane SPD Strategic Environmental Appraisal Screening Statement, the Water Lane Primary School Options Appraisal, the Haven Road Position Statement, the Liveable Water Lane SPD Transport and Mobility Technical Note, and the Water Lane Views Analysis;


(2) grant delegated authority to the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Council Leader and Portfolio Holder for City Development, to agree minor changes to the Water Lane SPD before it is taken to Council with a recommendation to adopt.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.




Report author: Katharine Smith

Publication date: 10/07/2024

Date of decision: 09/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: