Decision details

New Swimming Pool for Exeter (Minute 104)

Decision Maker: Executive, Scrutiny Committee - Community

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The report of the Head of Leisure and Museums was submitted, proposing the best way of providing swimming facilities in the future, following an options appraisal comparing the provision of a new pool to replace Pyramids with refurbishing Pyramids and considering further the procurement methods for the chosen option.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 2 September 2008. Executive noted the debate on the issue at that meeting and the request of the Committee for Executive to:-


(i)      rescind the decision to build a new swimming pool at Clifton Hill;

(ii)     close the Pyramids Swimming Centre;

(iii)    re-affirm the decision to build a new swimming pool; and

(iv)    arrange for a meeting to be held between the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure, the four group leaders, the Chair and Deputy Chair of Scrutiny Committee – Community, officers and users for further consideration to be given to the location and funding of a new swimming pool.    


The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure reported that he had met with swimming clubs’ representatives and other pool users, all of whom wanted a new pool.  He acknowledged that, whilst everyone would prefer a new swimming pool, the current financial position of the Council made this unaffordable at the present time. He hoped that discussions would continue with users and all options would be explored to make this achievable in the future. He would not wish for the Pyramids Centre to be closed down in the meantime as the Scrutiny Committee – Community resolution implied.


Some members felt that the £2 million cost of refurbishment of the existing pool would be better spent as a contribution to building a new pool. They expressed concerns that the true cost and problems of refurbishment would not be known until work commenced and this could result in much greater expenditure and long periods of closure for the pool. They referred to the previous refurbishment of the pool in the 1990s where this had occurred.   They felt that a refurbished pool would never be up to the standards that the city of Exeter should expect.


Another member reminded Executive that Council had previously confirmed its intention to build a new pool.  A feasibility study had been undertaken and the Clifton Hill site had been the only suitable option identified in the City Centre.  The Chair responded that the Council had never identified how it would finance a new pool. The financial climate had changed significantly since the last decision had been made and the cost of borrowing had increased.   In order to fund the additional £90,000 revenue cost for every £1 million of capital cost, an equivalent sum would need to be met through revenue savings. He felt that this would be hard to achieve since the efficiency with which services were already run would not allow for savings without cutting existing service provision or standards. He invited members to identify any potential savings.


Councillor Edwards proposed a Motion in the following terms:


“That this Executive instructs the Scrutiny Committee – Resources to form a Working Party made up of all political parties. Its task is to look at next year’s budget (Revenue and Capital) to make savings so that we can look at this Council having a new swimming pool”.


The Director Corporate Services indicated that this would run parallel to, and duplicate, the existing formal budget process.  If the Council decided it wished to finance a new pool then the current budgetary process would be the appropriate way to seek to find a solution.


The Motion was put to the vote and lost.


Councillor Mitchell, seconded by Councillor Fullam proposed the following Motion, amending that previously agreed by Scrutiny Committee – Community:


(1)        to rescind the decision to build a new swimming pool at Clifton Hill;


(2)        to close the Pyramids Swimming Centre once a new facility has been provided and ensure that Pyramids continues to meet acceptable standards  whilst it is in operation;


(3)        to re-affirm the desirability of building a new swimming pool subject to it being affordable within the framework of the Council’s medium term financial plans;


(4)        arrange for a meeting to be held between the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure, the four group leaders, officers and users for further consideration to be given to the location andfunding of a new swimming pool.


The Motion was put to the vote and carried.




(1)     the decision to build a new swimming pool at Clifton Hill be rescinded;


(2)     Pyramids Swimming Centre be closed once a new facility has been provided, ensuring that Pyramids continues to meet acceptable standards whilst it is in operation;


(3)     the desirability of building a new swimming pool be re-affirmed, subject to it being affordable within the framework of the Council’s medium term financial plans; and


(4)     a meeting be arranged between the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure, the four group leaders, officers and users for further consideration to be given to the location and funding of a new swimming pool.    


(Report circulated)

Publication date: 03/10/2008

Date of decision: 30/09/2008

Decided at meeting: 30/09/2008 - Executive

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