Decision details

Charging Protocol for Waste Receptacles

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(Minute 30)


The report of the Assistant Director Environment was submitted.  Following a review of chargeable services a set of fees and charges had been agreed by Council on 26 February 2013 to cover the provision of refuse containers to domestic premises from 1 April 2013. The report gave options in which to apply a charge and, dependent on the option taken, sought agreement to the adoption of a charging protocol in response to circumstances where it may be in the public interest to waive or reduce some of these changes.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting of 5 March 2013 and their comments and support for the preferred option were noted.


Whilst some concerns were expressed by members about the principle of introducing charges for the service, Executive supported the modest charges proposed. Members acknowledged the continuing increase in recycling waste and hoped that the proposals would further encourage this trend and reduce demand for replacement bins.  


Executive resolved that charges be introduced as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, in respect of newly developed or converted dwellings only (Option A) in combination with applying a delivery charge set out in Appendix 2 of the report for all other requests for waste receptacles (Option B).


(In accordance with Standing Order 43, Councillors Mrs Henson and Fullam requested that their names be recorded as having voted against the recommendation.)


Publication date: 21/03/2013

Date of decision: 19/03/2013

Decided at meeting: 19/03/2013 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: