Decision details

Mary Arches Street Car Park Re-development

Decision Maker: Executive, Council

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To consider the report on addressing the condition, proposed closure and redevelopment of the car park.




RECOMMENDED that Council agree a demolition budget equal to the Land Release Funding received by the Department for Levelling up Housing andCommunities and One Public Estate.




(1)   the Director Finance be authorised to dispose of all or part of the land at Mary Arches Street Car Park, as shown on the site boundary plan in Appendix 1 of the report, to Exeter City Living, on terms to be negotiated by the City Surveyor at a sum that represented no less than the best value valuation, if the option granted in respect of the land is exercised;


(2)   the City Surveyor be authorised to acquire by way of Compulsory Purchase Order (“CPO”) any third party proprietary interests within the site;


(3)   the Director Finance be authorised to close Mary Arches Street Car Park on the grounds of economic obsolescence at the appropriate time in the development process;


(4)   the demolition of MASCP be agreed utilising Brownfield Land Release Fund (“BLRF”) monies received from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (“DLUHC”) and One Public Estate (“OPE”);


(5)   that redevelopment of the site for a residential led mixed use scheme comprising new homes and ancillary ground floor commercial uses be agreed with the granting of over sailing licences if required;


(6)   the Director Finance be granted delegated authority in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to agree the final boundary of the land to be disposed of (noting that the area is not to be greater than the land indicated at Appendix 1 of the report);


(7)   the Director Finance be authorised to take all necessary steps to secure the making, submission, confirmation and implementation of a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire any third party proprietary interests within the site (see Appendix 1 of the report);


(8)   the Director Finance be authorised to issue all relevant notices and certificates in connection with the making, confirmation and implementation of any Compulsory Purchase Order;


(9)   the Director Finance be authorised to acquire third party proprietary interests by private treaty negotiation;


(10)       the Director Finance be authorised to dispose of any third party propriety interest acquired pursuant to the Compulsory Purchase Order to Exeter City Living in accordance with terms to be agreed;


(11)       the Director Finance be authorised to make General Vesting Declarations (GVDs) under the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 and/or serve notices to treat and notices of entry (if required) following confirmation of a Compulsory Purchase Order by the Secretary of State;


(12)       the Director Finance be authorised to issue and serve any warrants to obtain possession of property acquired by the Council following the execution of a General Vesting Declarations or service of a notice of entry if it was considered appropriate to do so;


(13)       the Director Finance be granted delegated authority in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to agree the final procurement contracts; and


(14)       the City Surveyor be granted delegated authority to work with Exeter City Living to facilitate the regeneration of this strategic city centre site.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.




Report author: Michael Carson

Publication date: 01/12/2022

Date of decision: 29/11/2022

Decided at meeting: 29/11/2022 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: