Decision details

Parking Enforcement at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

Decision Maker: Scrutiny Committee - Economy, Executive

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The report of the Director Economy and Development was submitted, advising Members of a number of issues regarding the enforcement of parking restrictions at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.  The Director Economy and Development apologised for the error which had arisen as a result of legal advice taken in relation to the appropriate legislation.


Councillor Mitchell declared a personal interest as an employee of Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Trust.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting on 11 March 2010 and their comments and support were noted.


Councillor Prowse attended the meeting and spoke on this item under Standing Order 44. He declared a personal interest as a member of Devon County Council which had previously been a consultee to the process. He informed members that he had previously raised concerns with officers and had taken independent legal advice on the issue. He sought clarification of how the estimated cost of the reimbursement to motorists using the R D & E car park had been calculated and enquired why tickets had continued to be issued between May 2008 and October 2009 and why tickets were being issued at the present time. He also asked about the redundancy cost of the parking warden and the cost of the specialist legal advice obtained by the Council.


The Director Economy and Development stated that parking enforcement was an important function which the Council operated for the benefit of the public. He responded that the maximum cost of reimbursement had been calculated at £35,000 on the basis of fines having been paid within the discounted period.  The current interim enforcement arrangements were being undertaken using the Council’s trading powers.  He invited Councillor Prowse to write to the Head of Parking, Engineering and Business Support to seek any further information required in relation to his concerns.    


The Chair emphasised that parking enforcement was an important function for the City which operated in the public interest. The regrettable error which had occurred in this instance had been acknowledged, liability accepted and appropriate remedial action undertaken. 


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the content of the report be noted; and


(2)        advertisement of the proposed revocation of The City of Exeter Hospital Parking Places Order 1994 and the process necessary to achieve this be approved and authority be delegated to the Head of Parking, Engineering and Business Support, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to consider any objections received during the consultation process.


Publication date: 29/03/2010

Date of decision: 23/03/2010

Decided at meeting: 23/03/2010 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: