Decision details

Teignbridge Local Plan Development Plan Document Consultation on Draft Submission

Decision Maker: Executive

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(Minute 115)


The report of the Assistant Director City Development was submitted, seeking to formulate a response to the Draft Submission document that is being published by Teignbridge District Council.


The Assistant Director reported that the Planning Member Working Group on 16 October had noted and supported the report which will form the basis of the response to Teignbridge District Council.


Councillor Clark spoke on this item under Standing Order 44, conveying the views of residents in the Alphington area which she felt were not adequately reflected in the City Council’s response. Their concerns related to the draft infrastructure delivery plan and specifically the phasing of the primary and secondary schools, the health centre and highways improvements which they felt should be undertaken much earlier in the development. 


Executive members emphasised the benefits of a single urban extension rather than piecemeal development and endorsed the huge importance of an adequate infrastructure to support sustainable development in the area.  They referred to a number of measures which would mitigate the impact of additional traffic including the proposed rail halt and Park and Ride facility. Residents were urged to respond directly to the consultation; the public examination would provide a further opportunity to explore issues of concern. 


Residents were assured of the close and co-operative working arrangements with Teignbridge District Council on the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.  Whilst the Council was able to comment on the draft submission they could not make demands on Teignbridge District Council. Regrettably the development would not attract the multi-million pound investment from Central Government that Cranbrook had received and the prioritisation of infrastructure facilities would necessarily reflect commercial viability.       


Whilst noting the on-going dialogue with Teignbridge District Council in relation to these issues, Executive acknowledged the concerns of residents and proposed that a further report be made to Executive on 4 December addressing these specific issues prior to responding to the document.  


Executive resolved that the proposed response to Teignbridge District Council be deferred pending a further report to Executive on 4 December.



Publication date: 22/11/2012

Date of decision: 20/11/2012

Decided at meeting: 20/11/2012 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: