Issue - meetings

Exeter and East devon Growth Board Minutes

Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Executive (Item 89)

Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board Minutes

Members are requested to note the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board meeting held on 26 July 2011.


(Minutes circulated to Members)


(Minute 89)

The minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board of 26 July 2011 were circulated.


Members acknowledged the important role of the Board and were pleased to note its co-operative working and positive outcomes. They recorded their appreciation for the significant work undertaken by the Director Economy and Development.  


Executive noted the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board of 26 July 2011.




The minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board of 26 July 2011 were circulated.


Members acknowledged the important role of the Board and were pleased to note its co-operative working and positive outcomes. They recorded their appreciation for the significant work undertaken by the Director Economy and Development.  


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board of 26 July 2011 be noted.


(Minutes circulated to Members)

Meeting: 08/09/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 46)


Members are invited to note the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board - minutes circulated to Members


A copy of the minutes of the first meeting of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Point Board minutes was circulated for Members’ information.  This Board was recently reconstituted from the former Exeter and East Devon New Growth Point Steering Board, and their original terms of reference encompassing infrastructure planning, jobs growth and the delivery of housing had now been extended to include economic development. The new Board will operate within the governance structure of the recently formed Heart of the South West Local Enterprise Partnership and will provide the local delivery structure and economic driver for the growth agenda for Exeter’s economy.  The minutes were circulated to inform Members of a number of issues that the City Council will need to consider and take forward as appropriate.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the content of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board Minutes,


(Report circulated to Members)