Issue - meetings

Climate Change Strategy/Carbon Management Plan

Meeting: 15/09/2009 - Executive (Item 98)

98 Progress Update - Environmental and Climate Change Strategies pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Environmental Health Services.


Scrutiny Committee - Community considered the report at their meeting on 1 September 2009 and their comments will be reported. Since the Action Plans referred to in Appendices II to IV of the report have already been widely circulated, they are not included in the agenda. The documents can be viewed on the Council’s website or on request to Member Services.


(Report circulated)

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Environmental Health Services was submitted, outlining the progress that has been made by the Council in terms of implementing the action plans of both the Environmental and Climate Change Strategies.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 1 September 2009 and their comments were noted.


The Director Community and Environment reported concern at Devon County Council’s indication that it may not be possible to fully exploit the heat output resulting from the Waste to Energy Plant. 


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the examples of progress made to date be noted;


(2)        the revised action plan for the Climate Change Strategy be approved for adoption;


(3)        the Council reaffirms its commitment to manage and continually improve its own sustainability performance;


(4)        the current status of the Council’s Carbon Management Strategy and Implementation Plan is noted;


(5)        the Council continues to work in partnership with other organisations within the City and the community to tackle climate change and improve quality of life in the City; and


(6)        progress continues to be reported to the Scrutiny Committee – Community on an annual basis.



The report of the Head of Environmental Health Services was submitted, outlining the progress that has been made by the Council in terms of implementing the action plans of both the Environmental and Climate Change Strategies.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 1 September 2009 and their comments were noted.


The Director Community and Environment reported concern at Devon County Council’s indication that it may not be possible to fully exploit the heat output resulting from the Waste to Energy Plant. 




(1)        the examples of progress made to date be noted;


(2)        the revised action plan for the Climate Change Strategy be approved for adoption;


(3)        the Council reaffirms its commitment to manage and continually improve its own sustainability performance;


(4)        the current status of the Council’s Carbon Management Strategy and Implementation Plan is noted;


(5)        the Council continues to work in partnership with other organisations within the City and the community to tackle climate change and improve quality of life in the City; and


(6)        progress continues to be reported to the Scrutiny Committee – Community on an annual basis.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 01/09/2009 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 56)

56 Environmental and Climate Change Strategies pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Environmental Health Services – report circulated


Additional documents:


The Head of Environmental Health Services presented the report outlining the progress made by the Council in implementing the action plans of both the Environmental and Climate Change Strategies.


The following responses were given to Members’ queries:-


  • the Environmental Protection Act enabled Council’s to pursue situations where householders failed to correctly leave refuse out for collection. In the first instance, a Section 46 Notice was served requiring the correct presentation of waste. A failure to comply could then lead to the issuing of a fixed penalty notice, or prosecution. As the Council had discovered with the Chalice case, obtaining irrefutable evidence was difficult. With regard to problems associated with business waste being poorly stored and strewn about the roads by late night revellers, the Environmental Health Services team was undertaking a number of initiatives, especially in the Fore Street area, to deal with domestic and commercial waste problems.
  • take up of subsidised public transport amongst the 800 Council employees was increasing.
  • a designated “graffiti buster” team with van had led to a significant reduction in this problem.
  • 20 individuals had shown an interest in becoming tree wardens and were now receiving training with an appropriate communication mechanism established. A report on progress with tree management and the Tree and Woodland Strategy would be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee.



A Member called for greater urgency in improving the Exeter to Exmouth line which he stated could accommodate a double track. It was noted that this was a very busy line at times and that the Avocet Line Railway Users Group was actively seeking improvements. Another Member advocated a comprehensive transport strategy for the City rather than piecemeal improvements to the road network. He referred to the opposition from Alphington Councillors to the proposal for a new Park and Ride site off the A30.


Scrutiny Committee - Community noted the progress made to date and requested Executive to:-


(1)        approve for adoption the revised Climate Change Strategy Action Plan;


(2)        reaffirm the Council’s commitment to manage and continually improve its own sustainability performance;


(3)        note the current status of the Council’s Carbon Management Strategy and Implementation Plan;


(4)        support the Council continuing to work in partnership with other organisations within the City and with the community to tackle climate change and improve the quality of life in the City; and


(5)        support the submission of progress reports to this Committee on an annual basis.


(Report circulated)