Issue - meetings

report title

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Executive (Item 17)

Service Review of Planning

To consider the joint report of the Director Economy and Development and the Head of Planning and Building Control on proposed changes in the structure of the Planning unit.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2010 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated to Members)


Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Planning and Building Control was submitted, outlining a number of proposed changes in the structure of the Planning part of the Planning and Building Control Unit. The changes were proposed to respond to the changing context facing the Unit, in particular ongoing reforms to the planning system, the likely cessation of Housing and Planning Delivery Grant, wider budgetary issues facing the Council and the need to improve the focus on sustainable development and delivery of key projects such as the Local Development Framework, coordination with the new growth point and major development at Newcourt, Monkerton and the Bus Station. The Head of Planning and Building Control reported that the redundancy of the post identified in paragraph 4.6 of the report was not on the grounds of the efficiency of the service.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting of 21 January 2010 and their comments were noted.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the employment of the holder of the posts of Senior Enforcement and Projects Officer (ED07105) and Planning Technicians 2 x 0.5 FTE (ED07113 and ED07141) be terminated on grounds of redundancy on the respective dates of 27 January 2010 (ED07105) and 31 March 2010 (ED07113 and ED07141) in accordance where applicable with the provisions of Regulation 19 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) Regulations 2007; with compensation being paid to the post holders in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006; a payment of compensation be made in respect of the notice/unexpired period of notice to which the employee would otherwise be entitled under their contract of employment and the selected post be deleted from the establishment of the Council;


(2)        the following vacant posts be deleted from 1 April 2010:

- Implementation Officer (ED07151)

- Investigations and Compliance Officer (ED07106), frozen since February 2009

- Landscape & Tree Officer (ED07131)

- Clerical Assistant (ED07156)


(3)        the following new posts be created from 1 April 2010:


-        Enforcement Officer (grade to be determined) to be filled by existing postholder of ED07162 .

-        The post of Environmental Improvements Officer (ED07154) be amended to Environmental Improvements and Tree Officer.

-        The fixed term post of Design Assistant (ED07162) be made permanent.


·         The post of Technical Clerk (ED07124) be reduced to 0.8FTE from April 2010 and Forward Planning Officer (Projects) (ED07133) be reduced to 0.6FTE from June 2010.


·         Design Assistant (ED07155) to become supernumerary pending an appropriate vacancy.


·         Transfer of post ED07138 (Conservation Planner) from the Development Management team to the Design Team.


(4)        The Planning Unit’s budgets be amended accordingly.





The report of the Head of Planning and Building Control was submitted, outlining a number of proposed changes in the structure of the Planning part of the Planning and Building Control Unit. The changes were proposed to respond to the changing context facing the Unit, in particular ongoing reforms to the planning system, the likely cessation of Housing and Planning Delivery Grant, wider budgetary issues facing the Council and the need to improve the focus on sustainable development and delivery of key projects such as the Local Development Framework, coordination with the new growth point and major development at Newcourt, Monkerton and the Bus Station. The Head of Planning and Building Control reported that the redundancy of the post referred to in paragraph 4.6 of the report was not on the grounds of the efficiency of the service.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting of 21 January 2010 and their comments were noted.




(1)        the employment of the holder of the posts of Senior Enforcement and Projects Officer (ED07105) and Planning Technicians 2 x 0.5 FTE (ED07113 and ED07141) be terminated on grounds of redundancy on the respective dates of 27 January 2010 (ED07105) and 31 March 2010 (ED07113 and ED07141) in accordance where applicable with the provisions of Regulation 19 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) Regulations 2007; with compensation being paid to the post holders in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006; a payment of compensation be made in respect of the notice/unexpired period of notice to which the employee would otherwise be entitled under their contract of employment and the selected post be deleted from the establishment of the Council;


(2)        the following vacant posts be deleted from 1 April 2010:

- Implementation Officer (ED07151)

- Investigations and Compliance Officer (ED07106), frozen since February 2009

- Landscape & Tree Officer (ED07131)

- Clerical Assistant (ED07156)


(3)        the following new posts be created from 1 April 2010:


-        Enforcement Officer (grade to be determined) to be filled by existing postholder of ED07162 .

-        The post of Environmental Improvements Officer (ED07154) be amended to Environmental Improvements and Tree Officer.

-        The fixed term post of Design Assistant (ED07162) be made permanent.


·         The post of Technical Clerk (ED07124) be reduced to 0.8FTE from April 2010 and Forward Planning Officer (Projects) (ED07133) be reduced to 0.6FTE from June 2010.


·         Design Assistant (ED07155) to become supernumerary pending an appropriate vacancy.


·         Transfer of post ED07138 (Conservation Planner) from the Development Management team to the Design Team.


(4)        The Planning Unit’s budgets be amended accordingly.


(Report circulated to Members)


Meeting: 21/01/2010 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 11)

Service Review of Planning

To consider the joint report of the Director Economy and Development and Head of Planning and Building Control on a proposed change in the structure– report circulated to Members

Additional documents:


The Director Economy and Development presented the report of the Head of Planning and Building Control, which outlined a number of proposed changes in the structure of the Planning part of the Planning and Building Control Unit.  The changes were proposed as a response to the changing context facing the Unit, in particular ongoing reforms to the planning system, the likely cessation of Housing and Planning Delivery Grant, and wider budgetary issues facing the Council. There is also the need to improve the focus on sustainable development and delivery of key projects such as the Local Development Framework, coordination with the New Growth Point and major developments at Newcourt, Monkerton and the Bus Station.


The Director replied to a number of comments stating that the reduced staffing would be sufficient for the present workload but this could change quickly. He added that reduction in the Enforcement resource from three individuals to one could be problematic for Members if they had high expectations. He agreed with a Member suggestion that joint working with other authorities was also an option if the City Council Panning workload picked up and others had spare resources, provided there was budget provision.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported the recommendation that Executive approve the following that: -


(1)        the employment of the holder of the Senior Enforcement and Projects Officer (ED07105) and Planning Technicians 2 x 0.5 FTE (ED07113 and ED07141) be terminated on grounds of redundancy on the respective dates of 27 January 2010 (ED07105) and 31 March 2010 (ED07113 and ED07141) in accordance where applicable with the provisions of Regulation 19 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Benefits, Membership and Contributions) Regulations 2007; with compensation being paid to the post holders in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006;a payment of compensation be made in respect of the notice/unexpired period of notice to which the employee would otherwise be entitled under their contract of employment and the selected post be deleted from the establishment of the Council:;


(2)        the deletion of the following vacant posts from 1 April 2010: -

(i)     Implementation Officer (ED07151),

(ii)     Investigations and Compliance Officer (ED07106) frozen since February 2009,

(iii)    Landscape & Tree Officer (ED07131), and

(iv)    Clerical Assistant (ED07156);


(3)        the creation of the following new posts from 1 April 2010:-


(i)      the post of Enforcement Officer (grade subject to job evaluation) to be filled by existing postholder of ED07162,

(ii)     the post of Environmental Improvements Officer (ED07154) be amended to Environmental Improvements and Tree Officer, and

(iii)    the fixed term post of Design Assistant (ED07162) be made permanent.


(4)        the post of Technical Clerk (ED07124) be reduced to 0.8FTE from April 2010 and Forward Planning Officer (Projects) (ED07133) be reduced to 0.6FTE from June 2010;


(5)        the Design Assistant (ED07155) to become supernumerary pending an appropriate vacancy; and


(6)        the transfer of post ED07138 (Conservation Planner) from the Development Management team  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11