Issue - meetings

Corporate Services Staffing Issues

Meeting: 28/09/2010 - Executive (Item 97)

Civic Centre Facilities Management - Staffing

To consider the report of the Head of Corporate Customer Services seeking approval to staffing changes in the Civic Centre Facilities Management Team.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources considered the report at its meeting on 15 September 2010 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated to Members)


Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Corporate Customer Services was submitted, requesting approval to the redundancy of the holder of post CS07143 and subsequent severance payment for the current post-holder, together with other subsequent staffing changes to the remaining Civic Centre Facilities Management Team.


The Director Corporate Services reported a minor correction to the salary costs shown as the totals for the Proposed Structure in the Appendix which should read £90,841, making the Grand Total £117,548 but confirmed that this made no difference to the overall level of savings.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the restructuring of the Civic Centre Facilities Management service be approved as detailed in the report; and


(2)        compensation be paid to the holder of post CSO7143 in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006.



The report of the Head of Corporate Customer Services was submitted, requesting approval to the redundancy of the holder of post CS07143 and subsequent severance payment for the current post-holder, together with other subsequent staffing changes to the remaining Civic Centre Facilities Management Team.


The Director Corporate Services reported a minor correction to the salary costs shown as the totals for the Proposed Structure in the Appendix which should read £90,841, making the Grand Total £117,548 but confirmed that this made no difference to the overall level of savings.




(1)        the restructuring of the Civic Centre Facilities Management service be approved as detailed in the report; and


(2)        compensation be paid to the holder of post CSO7143 in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006.


(Report circulated to Members)


Meeting: 15/09/2010 - Scrutiny Committee - Resources (Item 55)

Civic Centre Facilities Management - Staffing

To consider the report of the Head of Corporate Customer Services seeking approval to staffing changes in the Civic Centre Facilities Management Team– report circulated to members


Additional documents:


The Head of Corporate Customer Services presented the report to request approval for changes to the Civic Centre Facilities Management Team.


The Director Corporate Services commented on the financial and operational benefits of the early implementation of these proposals.


The Scrutiny Committee - Resources supported the report and recommended that the Executive approve:-


(1)        the restructuring of the Civic Centre Facilities Management service as detailed in this report; and


(2)               the payment of compensation to the holder of post CSO7143 in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006.


(Report circulated to Members)