Issue - meetings


Meeting: 11/11/2010 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 49)

49 Festivals Review 2010 pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism - report circulated


Councillors Mrs S Brock, Ruffle and Spackman declared personal interests as individual stallholders at Exeter Respect 2010.


The Head of Economy and Tourism presented a review and report back on the  performance of the festivals portfolio, including the Autumn Festival 2009, Animated Exeter, Vibraphonic and the Summer Festival 2010. He summarised the main characteristics of each of the festivals, as well as providing a detailed breakdown of the marketing analysis and financial implications.  Funding support for events remained a challenging issue, although they continued to explore smaller funding opportunities and alternative ways of working with a number of venues in the city.  He responded to a Member comment about increasing the scope for sponsorship, stating that the challenge was particularly great in the current economic climate. Sponsorship levels had dwindled in recent years from a high of over £80,000 to just £16,000, despite the hard work and effort of the marketing team.  The reduction in sponsorship had meant a reduced ability to take more risk on cutting edge or more expensive familiar performers. There were still opportunities to cross subsidise events, but the capacity for tickets sales had changed. 


The Head of Economy and Tourism also replied to a Member about housekeeping in relation to the stocks of marketing literature and brochures displayed in hotels and establishments around the county, stating that where possible his staff directed enquiries to the web site, but demand for brochures remained high.  A distribution service refreshed and ultimately collected any out of date brochures as well as providing individual feedback to adjust future stock levels to minimise wastage.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report.


(Report circulated)