Issue - meetings


Meeting: 23/11/2010 - Executive (Item 109)

109 A Sustainable Energy Future - A Strategic Partnership with E.ON pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To consider the report of the Interim Director Economy and Development.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 11 November 2010 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)



The report of the Interim Director Economy and Development was submitted on proposals for an energy partnership agreement with E.ON.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 11 November and the support of members was noted.  Scrutiny Committee’s request for the work of the partnership to be kept under regular review was supported.


Executive welcomed the proposed partnership with E.ON with the aim of creating a thriving low carbon city where residents and businesses take action to reduce their carbon emissions. Members particularly welcomed the opportunity to achieve high quality energy standards in house building at competitive cost.


For the reasons stated, Executive resolved that:-


(1)     Exeter City Council enter into an energy partnership agreement with E.ON and East Devon District Council;

(2)     the Exeter and East Devon New Growth Point Board function as the governance structure for assessing performance and managing the partnership;

(3)     the partnership seeks to engage Devon County Council in taking forward the work programme;

(4)     the Projects Director for the New Growth Point acts as the principal lead for the Partnership; and

(5)     a review of the progress on both the working of the Partnership and the Energy Strategy be made regularly to Scrutiny Committee.



The report of the Interim Director Economy and Development was submitted on proposals for an energy partnership agreement with E.ON.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 11 November and the support of members was noted.  Scrutiny Committee’s request for the work of the partnership to be kept under regular review was supported.


Executive welcomed the proposed partnership with E.ON with the aim of creating a thriving low carbon city where residents and businesses take action to reduce their carbon emissions. Members particularly welcomed the opportunity to achieve high quality energy standards in house building at competitive cost.




(1)     Exeter City Council enter into an energy partnership agreement with E.ON and East Devon District Council;

(2)     the Exeter and East Devon New Growth Point Board function as the governance structure for assessing performance and managing the partnership;

(3)     the partnership seeks to engage Devon County Council in taking forward the work programme;

(4)     the Projects Director for the New Growth Point acts as the principal lead for the Partnership; and

(5)     a review of the progress on both the working of the Partnership and the Energy Strategy be made regularly to Scrutiny Committee.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 11/11/2010 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 48)

48 A Sustainable Energy Future - A Strategic Partnership with E.On pdf icon PDF 212 KB

To consider the report of the Interim Director Economy and Development – report circulated


The Interim Director Economy and Development presented the details of a proposal to enter into an Energy Partnership agreement between the City Council and the energy supplier E.ON. This will enable the City Council to continue their environmental and economic aim to reduce carbon emissions as well as support business growth and long term sustainability, and build on the resolutions agreed by the Council’s Executive in February 2010. The Partnership arrangement will also provide the opportunity to pool the available expertise, resources and financing options within the respective organisations in order to progress the delivery of projects.


The Interim Director responded as follows to Members’ queries:


  • In terms of the benefits for the City Council, the Partnership will enable a local energy solution to drive low carbon standards ever higher, particularly in planning.  E.ON has recognised that future business will require a greater community involvement to reach a solution to ensure sustainable development, as well as improving their environmental credentials.


  • Although a number of practicalities were recognised, this Partnership did not have any apparent risk and will help focus and draw together existing work with no additional financial commitment.


  • In the unlikely event that that this Partnership did not work out equitably, then the model structure could be changed without any obligation.


  • That following Members’ comments there would be a more regular review of the work of the Partnership on a quarterly basis, and the suggestion of additional officer meetings would also be explored.


The Scrutiny Committee – Economy welcomed and supported the proposal and recommended approval of the following action by the Executive that :-


(1)        Exeter City Council enter into an Energy Partnership agreement with E.ON and East Devon District Council;


(2)        the Exeter and East Devon New Growth Point Board function as the governance structure for assessing performance and managing the Partnership;


(3)        the Partnership will seek to engage Devon County Council in taking forward the work programme;


(4)       the New Growth Point Projects Director act as the principal lead for the Partnership; and

(5)        a review of progress on both the working of the Partnership and the Energy Strategy be made quarterly.


(Report circulated)