Issue - meetings

RAMM Restructure

Meeting: 25/01/2011 - Executive (Item 10)

Community and Environment - Museum Service Restructure

To consider the report of the Head of Leisure and Museums on the restructure of RAMM.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 18 January 2011 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated to Members)


Additional documents:


The Director Corporate Services left the room for the remainder of the meeting, in view of his personal interest in this item of business.


The report of the Head of Leisure and Museums was submitted, seeking Members approval for a permanent staffing structure to enable the museum services to operate the newly opened RAMM, for a programme of redundancy and redeployment and to release the necessary funding to finance redundancy payments.


The Director Community and Environment advised Members of the position in relation to the Renaissance programme, the permanent and temporary staffing structures and redundancy implications. She further advised of the position with regards to the posted funded by the British Museum and that the post of Digital Media Officer would now be part of IT Services, and seconded back to RAMM.


Members discussed the Museum Development Trust’s fund-raising post and the use of the Museum for corporate events and the display of works from local artists.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting of 18 January 2011 and their support was noted. Executive noted and supported the amendments agreed by Scrutiny Committee – Community.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        thepotential redundancy costs should include a figure of £20,000, as an additional sum required to meet the costs of redundancy, bringing the total to £430,042; and


(2)        the post of the Digital Media Officer be part of IT Services, and seconded back to RAMM.


(3)        subject to the above amendments in (1) & (2), the new structures, permanent and temporary, as outlined in the report be approved and implemented in accordance with the Council’s Organisational Change Policy, and for any displaced employees to be confirmed as redundant;


(4)        where, despite all efforts, notice of redundancy is confirmed and suitable alternative employment not found, those employees with two or more years’ service be paid a compensation payment upon employment termination in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006; and


(5)        the post of CE12200 be deleted from the establishment of the Council, and the employment of the holder of the post be terminated on the grounds of redundancy on 31 March 2011 with compensation being paid to the holder of the post in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006:



The Director Corporate Services left the room for the remainder of the meeting, in view of his personal interest in this item of business.


The report of the Head of Leisure and Museums was submitted, seeking Members approval for a permanent staffing structure to enable the museum services to operate the newly opened RAMM, for a programme of redundancy and redeployment and to release the necessary funding to finance redundancy payments.


The Director Community and Environment advised Members of the position in relation to the Renaissance programme, the permanent and temporary staffing structures and redundancy implications. She further advised of the position with regards to the posted funded by the British Museum and that the post of Digital Media Officer would now be part of IT Services, and seconded back to RAMM.


Members discussed the Museum Development Trust’s fund-raising post and the use of the Museum for corporate events and the display of works from local artists.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting of 18 January 2011 and their support was noted. Executive noted and supported the amendments agreed by Scrutiny Committee – Community.




(1)        thepotential redundancy costs should include a figure of £20,000, as an additional sum required to meet the costs of redundancy, bringing the total to £430,042; and


(2)        the post of the Digital Media Officer be part of IT Services, and seconded back to RAMM.


(3)        subject to the above amendments in (1) & (2), the new structures, permanent and temporary, as outlined in the report be approved and implemented in accordance with the Council’s Organisational Change Policy, and for any displaced employees to be confirmed as redundant;


(4)        where, despite all efforts, notice of redundancy is confirmed and suitable alternative employment not found, those employees with two or more years’ service be paid a compensation payment upon employment termination in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006; and


(5)        the post of CE12200 be deleted from the establishment of the Council, and the employment of the holder of the post be terminated on the grounds of redundancy on 31 March 2011 with compensation being paid to the holder of the post in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006:


(Report circulated to Members)


Meeting: 18/01/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 19)

19 Museum Service Restructure

To consider the report of the Head of Leisure and Museums on the restructuring of RAMM – report circulated to Members to follow

Additional documents:


The Head of Leisure and Museums presented the report seeking approval for a permanent structure to enable the museum service to operate the newly re-opened RAMM, for a programme of redundancy and redeployment and to release the necessary funding to finance redundancy payments.


He advised that the part of the report referring to potential redundancy costs should include a figure of £20,000 as an additional sum required to meet the costs of redundancy bringing the total to £430,042. He further advised that the post of Digital Media Officer would now be part of IT Services, and seconded back to RAMM.


Subject to the above amendments, Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the report and requested Executive to:


(1)        approve the new structures, permanent and temporary, as set out in the report, to be implemented in accordance with the Council’s Organisational Change Policy, with any displaced employees to be confirmed as redundant;


(2)        where, despite all efforts, notice of redundancy is confirmed and suitable alternative employment not found, approve a compensation payment upon employment termination in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006 to those employees with two or more years’ service; and


(3)        approve the deletion of Post No. CE12200 from the establishment of the Council, and the employment of the holder of that post to be terminated on the grounds of redundancy on 31 March 2011 with compensation being paid to the holder of the post in accordance with the discretion exercised by the Council under the provisions of the Local Government (Early Termination) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006.


(Report circulated to Members)