Issue - meetings

Questions from the Public under Standing Order 19

Meeting: 07/06/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 33)

33 Questions from the Public under Standing Order 19 pdf icon PDF 67 KB

A period of up to 15 minutes will be set aside to deal with questions to the Committee from members of the public.


Details of questions should be notified to the Assistant Chief Executive at least three working days prior to the meeting. Further information and a copy of the procedure are available from Member Services (01392 265107) also on the Council web site.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 19, a question from Ms B.James in respect of the supply of rented accommodation from the private sector was put, to which the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Involvement responded. A copy of the question had been circulated to Members and was made available at the meeting. The question and the reply from the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Involvement (in italics) is appended to the minutes.


A Member stated that a number of private landlords had experienced difficulties in respect of benefit claimants and that this could prejudice the availability of private housing for rent. He requested that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee on ways of improving the system. Members were informed that it was not possible to change the system locally as it was a national scheme. The Housing Needs Manager also stated that advice given to tenants of private properties by Council officers was in accordance with the Homelessness Code of Guidance.


A motion that a report be submitted to the next meeting was put to the vote and lost.


The member of the public asking the question responded to the points raised.


Scrutiny Committee - Community agreed that the answer be noted.