Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/03/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 17)

17 Briefing Note : Proposed Heart of the South West - Local Economic Partnership pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism - report circulated





Additional documents:


The Head of Economy and Tourism provided a briefing note for Members on the current stage of development of a proposed Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) for Devon and Somerset. Following the rejection of the original Devon proposal, a new Draft Prospectus for Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay has been drafted by a joint private and public sector LEP Steering Group. The document will be presented as an outline document to set the scene and secure initial support from Government.  Although the consultation deadline was 25 February 2011, Members’ comments on the issues raised by the draft Prospectus were sought. When a final version of the Prospectus is produced, it will be circulated to members of the Scrutiny Committee.


Members considered it was important to ensure that every effort was made to promote the city and local economy to ensure there was adequate representation for the city.  A Member asked whether there was adequate transparency or accountability as many of the proposed representatives on the planned LEP were dominated by business and the unitary authorities of Plymouth and Torbay. The Head of Economy and Tourism appreciated the concern but suggested waiting to see the detail.  The Director Economy and Development agreed that the lack of representation afforded to District Councils was an issue and every effort was being made to address that and ensure that the Exeter economy was adequately represented. The role of the LEP might be very different in the future and more of an assurance that there will be an Exeter based private sector representation was needed.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the progress and the issues raised by the briefing note on the Draft Prospectus for the proposed LEP for Devon and Somerset.


(Report circulated)