Issue - meetings

A City Centre Vision for a Green Capital

Meeting: 21/06/2011 - Executive (Item 57)

57 A City Centre Vision for a Green Capital pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 9 June 2011 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


The report of the Director Economy and Development was submitted, seeking approval to adopt the document ‘A City Centre Vision for a Green Capital’ for engagement with key stakeholders. The Director introduced the document, identifying the key principles of the Vision, the challenges and the major development projects required to deliver change over the coming years in order to achieve the ambitions of a prosperous and growing city.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered their report at their meeting of 9 June 2011 and their comments and support were noted.  Executive welcomed the comprehensive debate and proposals put forward by members of the Committee, specifically in relation to the importance of the transport infrastructure, pedestrianisation and the consultation process itself.


Executive welcomed the aspirational vision which built on the geography and historical context of the City, offering exciting opportunities for the regeneration of areas and communities and the further development of the city as a cultural and economic hub.  Although the document had not yet been subject to a formal consultation process, members were pleased to note the positive publicity given to the document so far. 


Whilst acknowledging the benefits of a predominantly pedestrianised central zone, Members emphasised that the needs of those with mobility problems, who relied on public transport for access to and within the city centre, must be taken into account. Executive agreed that the consultation exercise should specifically seek the input of a range of groups with specific needs.


Executive approved the contents of the City Centre Vision document for the purpose of a public engagement exercise with key stakeholders and, subject to the engagement, endorsed the use of the document to inform decision-making by the City Council, specifically in relation to future City Centre Action Plans.  They commended the document to Exeter Vision Partnership.




The report of the Director Economy and Development was submitted, seeking approval to adopt the document ‘A City Centre Vision for a Green Capital’ for engagement with key stakeholders. The Director introduced the document, identifying the key principles of the Vision, the challenges and the major development projects required to deliver change over the coming years in order to achieve the ambitions of a prosperous and growing city.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered their report at their meeting of 9 June 2011 and their comments and support were noted.  Executive welcomed the comprehensive debate and proposals put forward by members of the Committee, specifically in relation to the importance of the transport infrastructure, pedestrianisation and the consultation process itself.


Executive welcomed the aspirational vision which built on the geography and historical context of the City, offering exciting opportunities for the regeneration of areas and communities and the further development of the city as a cultural and economic hub.  Although the document had not yet been subject to a formal consultation process, members were pleased to note the positive publicity given to it so far. 


Whilst acknowledging the benefits of a predominantly pedestrianised central zone, Members emphasised that the needs of those with mobility problems, who relied on public transport for access to and within the city centre, must be taken into account. Executive agreed that the consultation exercise should specifically seek the input of a range of groups with specific needs.




(1)     the contents of the City Centre Vision document be approved for the purpose of a public engagement exercise with key stakeholders and, subject to the engagement, the use of the document be endorsed to inform decision-making by the City Council, specifically in relation to future City Centre Action Plans; and


(2)     the document is commended to Exeter Vision Partnership.


(Report circulated)


Meeting: 09/06/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 26)

26 A City Centre Vision for a Green Capital pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development – report circulated

Additional documents:


The Director Economy and Development made a presentation and also submitted a report, ‘A City Centre Vision for a Green Capital’ to consider whether to adopt the document for engagement with key stakeholders. It had been commissioned to provide a development context for the City Centre Transportation Strategy and other potential studies and projects in the city centre and formed the basis of a vision for any future city centre Action Area Plan.  A total of 17 principles were also listed for future guidance, with the aim of creating a flexible framework for the growth of the city centre over the next 20 to 30 years.


Members made the following comments:-


  • welcome for a very positive document;
  • what impact the extension of pedestrianised areas in the city centre might have, particularly if that included the Paris Street/New North Road junction, adjacent to the development of the John Lewis At Home store, which was an arterial route to Crediton. The Director referred to the need to address such challenges, but with the current and predicted footfall of that particular junction, a solution would have to be found.  Some transport modelling would be carried out to understand all the implications including cost.
  • support for the Vision, but concern that a predicted growth of 50% of the city’s working and local population should include improvements to the transport infrastructure to facilitate movements both in, and to and from the city, and include rail. The Director agreed that desired transport outputs had to include new railway stations at Newcourt, Monkerton and Marsh Barton, as well as additional services on the existing lines and better rolling stock.  The case for such improvements needs to be continually made to business and the local MP’s.
  • an extension of pedestrianised areas to allow further development of the night time economy should allow for more CCTV and good quality downward street lighting and the public engagement exercise should be as wide as possible.
  • the consultation should include workshops and public exhibition as well as investigating the possibility of a roving exhibition to community halls for greater access. The Director stated that the consultation would be as wide reaching as possible.
  • the reduction of cars within the urban extension of Exeter should be welcomed, but the Member hoped that the outlying areas such as Pinhoe would not be used for additional Park and Ride facilities. The Director advised that city wide Park and Ride had to be part of the transport solution as well as trains and buses.  Other initiatives such as Park and Change (to a bus) were being developed to serve rural areas. The Director advised that every effort was continuing to find suitable locations for any further Park and Ride schemes.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported the report and recommended that Executive approve the contents of the City Centre Vision document for the purpose of a public engagement exercise with key stakeholders, and subject to the engagement endorse the use of the document to inform decision  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26