Issue - meetings


Meeting: 08/09/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 40)


To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism - report circulated


Cllr Prowse declared a personal interest as a family member works in retail in the city, and as such would have had a vote as part of the BID process.


The Head of Economy and Tourism reported on the outcome of the ballot towards establishing the proposed Business Improvement District (BID), and also sought Members’ views on whether the City Council should support work towards a second ballot.  The ballot was held by the Electoral Reform Society on behalf of the City Council, between 24 June and 22 July, but the outcome was not in favour of pursuing an Exeter BID, with the competitive challenges being a key factor.  The aims of the BID were reiterated in the report, and a second ballot was proposed.  A Member wanted to ensure that Scrutiny Economy received a further report indicating the reasons for those who voted No, particularly after discussing with those businesses who did not use their vote.  The Head of Economy and Tourism stated that although the ballot was conducted in secret, every effort would be made to ensure that good quality research was carried out, in an effort to persuade the business community to support a Yes vote next time.  It was important to find the balance between the varying parts of the city centre in need of more attention and those areas such as Princesshay that pay a premium rate already.  The real winners would be the smaller businesses and independent traders and the City Council could play a part in working with them to make a difference to the city.     


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the progress made in respect of the first round of the BID process and supported the City Council working with the business community to review the proposals for establishing a city centre Business Improvement District and to promote a second ballot.


(Report circulated)