Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/09/2011 - Executive (Item 82)

82 Exeter Visitor Strategy 2012-15 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 8 September 2011 and comments will be reported.


Due to the size of the document, the Strategy is not attached to the agenda but is available on the Council’s website and on request to Member Services.


(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


(Minute 82)

The report of the Head of Economy and Tourism was submitted, seeking approval for the draft Exeter Visitor Strategy 2012 – 2015 to be used for consultation with partners and agencies relevant to its delivery.


The Director Economy and Development introduced the new Visitor Strategy which built on the outcomes achieved in the previous Strategy, recognising key changes within the industry, planned capital developments and the need to adjust activities to reflect market trends.   He drew attention to the action plan and identified the five key priorities which had been developed to be implemented in partnership with the tourism business community in the city and the Heart of Devon Tourism Partnership.


Members welcomed the revised Strategy and acknowledged the important role of the Partnership. They recognised the value of tourism to the Exeter economy as well as the jobs that directly and indirectly relate to tourism. They commented on the significant draw of retail activity as well as the City’s heritage and were pleased to note the increasing popularity of Exeter as a base for staying a few days rather than just one day visits.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting of 8 September 2011 and the comments of members were noted.


Executive approved the draft Exeter Visitor Strategy for the period 2012 – 2015 for consultation with key industry organisations, partners and other agencies relevant to its delivery.




The report of the Head of Economy and Tourism was submitted, seeking approval for the draft Exeter Visitor Strategy 2012 – 2015 to be used for consultation with partners and agencies relevant to its delivery.


The Director Economy and Development introduced the new Visitor Strategy which built on the outcomes achieved in the previous Strategy, recognising key changes within the industry, planned capital developments and the need to adjust activities to reflect market trends.   He drew attention to the action plan and identified the five key priorities which had been developed to be implemented in partnership with the tourism business community in the city and the Heart of Devon Tourism Partnership.


Members welcomed the revised Strategy and acknowledged the important role of the Partnership. They recognised the value of tourism to the Exeter economy as well as the jobs that directly and indirectly relate to tourism. They commented on the significant draw of retail activity as well as the City’s heritage and were pleased to note the increasing popularity of Exeter as a base for staying a few days rather than just one day visits.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting of 8 September 2011 and the comments of members were noted.


RESOLVED that the draft Exeter Visitor Strategy for the period 2012 – 2015 be approved for consultation with key industry organisations, partners and other agencies relevant to its delivery.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 08/09/2011 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 39)

39 EXETER VISITOR STRATEGY 2012-15 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism – report circulated

Additional documents:


The Head of Economy and Tourism presented a report which sought approval for a formal consultation with relevant partners and agencies, of the draft Exeter Visitor Strategy, covering the period 2012 to 2015. A copy of the draft Strategy was circulated with the report. The previous Strategy covered the period 2007 – 2010. The aim of the new Visitor Strategy will build on the outcomes achieved in that document, and continue to recognise key changes within the tourism industry, planned development and the need to adjust activities to reflect market trends.  It will also consider how to further the cooperation with the Heart of Devon Partnership and wider business community and develop partnership working with neighbouring local authorities.


In response to a Member question, the Director Economy and Development advised the formal position in relation to the timetable for the redevelopment of the Exeter Bus Station.  Land Securities had been given a two year exclusive agreement to work up a Master Plan for the site, but in view of the extended John Lewis development, that Plan has been fundamentally altered. A further review will take place with the conclusion of a Feasibility Study in the next six to twelve months to include a development plan for an outline submission for the site.    


Members made the following comments which would be picked up as part of the consultation - 


·         the Head of Economy and Tourism responded to a comment on the Cathedral’s reduced visitor numbers since an entrance charge was imposed, and added that although the decline in numbers was a concern the Cathedral were no doubt pleased that some much needed additional revenue was achieved.


·         to improve the public transport travel experience to Exeter, the main train and bus operators should consider offering more integrated ticketing and travel options, and the availability of real time transport information at information points throughout the city.


·         Exeter’s economic impact from tourism-based retail spending seemed to lag behind other Heart of Devon areas such as Teignbridge and East Devon, which was surprising given Exeter’s retail focus. The Head of Economy and Tourism clarified that the figures quoted in the Strategy reflected the different numbers of visitors to each of the areas. Care needed to be taken in making detailed comparisons between the figures as they were based on limited survey work undertaken independently.  The figures were more useful as an indicator of trends


·         in terms of the Heart of Devon Tourism Partnership profile and promotional activities, some reassurance was sought that the web site would show new developments such as the reopening of the RAMM, and the opening of John Lewis.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported the recommendation that Executive approve the circulated draft Visitor Strategy for the period 2012 – 2015, which will be used for consultation with key industry organisations, partners and other agencies relevant to its delivery.


(Report circulated)