Issue - meetings

PSH Financial Tools

Meeting: 19/06/2012 - Executive (Item 55)

55 Private Sector Housing Policy: Financial Assistance Packages 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Environment.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 29 May 2012 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


(Minute 55)


The report of the Assistant Director Environment was submitted, informing Members of the financial assistance awarded to private sector households in 2011/12 and seeking approval for proposed changes to the types and levels of financial assistance that will be available in 2012/13.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 29 May 2012 and their comments and support were noted.


Executive noted that financial assistance packages were an important tool in the range of measures available to improve housing conditions in the private sector. Members noted that the private rented sector housing stock in Exeter was larger than the national average and welcomed all measures to improve the standard of accommodation. 


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the financial assistance tools outlined in the report, and their respective budget allocation be approved; and


(2)        the Assistant Director Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Involvement, be authorised to re-allocate uncommitted parts of the respective budget allocation between financial assistance tools, in order to meet need.



The report of the Assistant Director Environment was submitted, informing Members of the financial assistance awarded to private sector households in 2011/12 and seeking approval for proposed changes to the types and levels of financial assistance that will be available in 2012/13.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 29 May 2012 and their comments and support were noted.


Executive noted that financial assistance packages were an important tool in the range of measures available to improve housing conditions in the private sector. Members noted that the private rented sector housing stock in Exeter was larger than the national average and welcomed all measures to improve the standard of accommodation. 




(1)        the financial assistance tools outlined in the report, and their respective budget allocation be approved; and


(2)        the Assistant Director Environment, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Involvement, be authorised to re-allocate uncommitted parts of the respective budget allocation between financial assistance tools, in order to meet need.


(Report circulated)



Meeting: 29/05/2012 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 35)

35 Private Sector Housing Policy : Financial Assistance Packages 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Environment – report circulated



The Assistant Director Environment presented the report informing Members of the financial assistance awarded to private sector households in 2011/12 and seeking approval for proposed changes to the types and levels of financial assistance that would be available in 2012/13.  Financial assistance packages formed one of the policy tools available to improve housing conditions in the private sector. A review of the other policy tools would be contained in the Private Sector Housing Renewal Policy that would form a sub-strategy of the Housing Strategy, which would be reported to this Committee in September 2012.


In response to Members’ questions, the Assistant Director Environment clarified the following:-

  • the Disabled Facilities Grant scheme was for existing dwellings that required adaptations e.g. installation of stair-lifts, replacement of baths with level access showers, so that an occupant with a disability could remain living in their home
  • there were 800 licensed HMO within the City which were inspected every five years as part of the licensing process. There was no general proactive inspection programme for other tenanted properties due to available resources, but targeted proactive inspection did take place. However, the Council did respond to a variety of tenants’ complaints (e.g. about disrepair) and were able to assess the property condition at this point. It was recognised that tenants were often unaware of where complaints could be reported and were sometimes fearful of the landlord’s reaction, hence the need to promote access to the service with this group
  • Cosy Devon – offered financial assistance for insulation measures in properties with little loft or cavity wall insulation for those on low income
  • a comprehensive risk assessment of the impact that the Welfare Reform could have on the Council was being undertaken and would be presented to Members early next year.


The Strategic Director (KH) advised that new developments require 5% of housing be Disability Discrimination Act compliant.


A Member raised the benefit of a tenant led organisation within the City to help improve the standards in the private rented sector.


Scrutiny Committee - Community noted the report and requested Executive to:-

(1)        approve the financial assistance tools as set out in the report and their respective budget allocation; and

(2)        authorise the Assistant Director Environment, subject to prior consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Involvement, to re-allocate uncommitted parts of the respective budget allocation between financial assistance tools, in order to meet need.

(Report circulated)