Issue - meetings

Review of Anti Social Behaviour

Meeting: 18/09/2012 - Executive (Item 84)

84 Review of Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and Procedures for Housing Landlord Services pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 4 September 2012 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


(Minute 84)


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, seeking approval for the Council’s amended Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy and Procedures for tackling anti-social behaviour on the Council’s housing estates. The current policy and procedures had been in place since 2009 and a comprehensive review would be undertaken every three years. The fall in satisfaction levels for the service had been disappointing – it was hoped that minor changes in policy and the proposed revised procedures would address the issues.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting of 4 September 2012 and the comments and support of members for the revised provisions were noted.  Executive supported Scrutiny Committee’s proposal for a further internal review of practice and procedures and a report back to a future meeting of that Committee. 


Executive endorsed the importance of taking anti-social behaviour complaints seriously. Members commented that neighbourhood disputes were often at the root of complaints and perceived incidents of anti-social behaviour may also emanate purely from a conflict in lifestyles. The Portfolio Holder informed Executive of measures such as sound-proofing which were being undertaken on a trial basis with a view to addressing some of the more common areas of complaint.


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts reported that a further report would be made to Scrutiny Committee - Community and Executive in November/December on the Localism Act’s provisions in relation to assured shorthold tenancies.


Executive resolved to adopt the revised Anti-Social Behaviour – Statement of Policy and Procedure.



The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, seeking approval for the Council’s amended Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy and Procedures for tackling anti-social behaviour on the Council’s housing estates. The current policy and procedures had been in place since 2009 and a comprehensive review would be undertaken every three years. The fall in satisfaction levels for the service had been disappointing – it was hoped that minor changes in policy and the proposed revised procedures would address the issues.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting of 4 September 2012 and the comments and support of members for the revised provisions were noted.  Executive supported Scrutiny Committee’s proposal for a further internal review of practice and procedures and a report back to a future meeting of that Committee. 


Executive endorsed the importance of taking anti-social behaviour complaints seriously. Members commented that neighbourhood disputes were often at the root of complaints and perceived incidents of anti-social behaviour may also emanate purely from a conflict in lifestyles. The Portfolio Holder informed Executive of measures such as sound-proofing which were being undertaken on a trial basis with a view to addressing some of the more common areas of complaint.


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts reported that a further report would be made to Scrutiny Committee - Community and Executive in November/December on the Localism Act’s provisions in relation to assured shorthold tenancies.


RESOLVED that the revised Anti-Social Behaviour – Statement of Policy and Procedure is adopted.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 48)

48 Review of Anti Social Behaviour Policy and Procedures for Housing Landlord Services pdf icon PDF 91 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts - report circulated.


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts presented the report seeking approval for the Council’s amended Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy and Procedures for tackling anti-social behaviour on the Council’s housing estates.


Review of the policy was a requirement of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 and the report detailed the actions being taken to tackle anti-social behaviour. Between April 2011 and March 2012, 740 new cases of anti-social behaviour had been reported to the Neighbourhood Housing Team with an average of 146 cases open at any one time


The results of a Home Office consultation had shown that early intervention was vital with disruptive residents but that, in the minority of cases, there was a need for tough action. The results of the consultation had shown that victims wanted their problem to be taken seriously, an efficient service and a quick response and for the problem to stop and not to happen again. The consultation had shown that an overall decrease in satisfaction levels was apparent and that an important element was to respond effectively to initial enquiries and complaints. Effective communication by the housing team would be an important part of this.


Members noted the significant case load currently being experienced by the City Council and referred both to individual problem cases and to the wider issue of accommodating young people amongst the middle age and elderly. Many of the anti- social behaviour problems were caused by the former creating particular problems for longstanding residents who had no desire to leave their areas. The Assistant Director explained that the demographic mix was the result of most residences being in general needs accommodation although older residents were amongst those encouraged to downsize where possible.


Because of the level of problems being experienced it was suggested that a Member Working Group be set up to look at issues in depth.


The Strategic Director stated that, because of the concerns raised by Members, it would be appropriate for himself, the Assistant Director and senior housing staff to re-examine the procedures. Notwithstanding the level of case load, because of financial constraints, he did not anticipate that it would be possible to increase resources but a review was likely to be able to identify potential areas for improving the current system. Members were supportive of this suggestion of further analysing procedures and felt that, in the meantime, the proposed changes to policies and procedures, as set out in the report, should be recommended to Executive for approval.


Scrutiny Committee - Community noted the report and recommended Executive to adopt the revised Anti-Social Behaviour Statement of Policy and Procedures, with the understanding that an internal review of current practice would be undertaken on detailed procedures and the Assistant Director would report back to a future meeting of this Committee.

(Report circulated)