Issue - meetings

Homelessness Strategy

Meeting: 18/09/2012 - Executive (Item 85)

85 Tenancy Succession and Assignment Policy pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 4 September 2012 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


(Minute 85)


Councillor Fullam declared an interest in this item as an employee of Sanctuary Housing Association.


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, setting out proposed changes to the Council’s policy on the succession and assignment of tenancies.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 4 September 2012 and the comments and support of members were noted.


Members acknowledged that whilst the under-supply of social housing required a firm policy in respect of succession and assignment, the Council should also take a more flexible and humane approach in particular circumstances.  Executive considered that the proposed amendments to the policy in respect of under-occupation, disabled adaptations and the establishment of an appeals procedure sought to achieve a balanced approach.   Whilst the Council would still seek to release under-occupied properties, the revised policy would enable greater use of discretion in particular circumstances.


The Portfolio Holder Housing and Community Involvement proposed an additional recommendation relating to mutual exchanges which was supported.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        in cases where succession or assignment occurs as a result of a bereavement, the current Succession and Assignment Policy is revised to:


            (i)      define properties as “more extensive” when there is more than one bedroom in excess of requirement;


            (ii)     define properties which have had disabled adaptations as “substantially different” where the value of the adaptation exceeds £1000; and


            (iii)    introduce an appeals procedure;


(2)        the revised provisions would not apply to mutual exchanges.          



Councillor Fullam declared an interest in this item as an employee of Sanctuary Housing Association.


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, setting out proposed changes to the Council’s policy on the succession and assignment of tenancies.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 4 September 2012 and the comments and support of members were noted.


Members acknowledged that whilst the under-supply of social housing required a firm policy in respect of succession and assignment, the Council should also take a more flexible and humane approach in particular circumstances.  Executive considered that the proposed amendments to the policy in respect of under-occupation, disabled adaptations and the establishment of an appeals procedure sought to achieve a balanced approach.   Whilst the Council would still seek to release under-occupied properties, the revised policy would enable greater use of discretion in particular circumstances.


The Portfolio Holder Housing and Community Involvement proposed an additional recommendation relating to mutual exchanges which was supported.




(1)        in cases where succession or assignment occurs as a result of a bereavement, the current Succession and Assignment Policy is revised to:


            (i)      define properties as “more extensive” when there is more than one bedroom in excess of requirement;


            (ii)     define properties which have had disabled adaptations as “substantially different” where the value of the adaptation exceeds £1000; and


            (iii)    introduce an appeals procedure;


(2)        the revised provisions would not apply to mutual exchanges.          


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 04/09/2012 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 49)

49 Succession and Assignment Policy pdf icon PDF 77 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts - report circulated.


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts presented the report setting out proposed changes to the Council’s policy on the succession and assignment of tenancies.


Responding to Members, she confirmed the intention of relaxing the policy, as appropriate, to allow under-occupation by one bedroom as elderly residents often appreciated an extra bedroom as a safeguard should they become ill and require over night assistance or to accommodate visiting family members. A Member also suggested that this might assist in cases of adults returning to family homes as a consequence of forthcoming welfare reforms.


She confirmed however that, allowing under occupation would have a detrimental effect on waiting lists as people with higher needs would not be able to access the houses. So a balanced approach was necessary.


Particular care would be taken in approaching a surviving family member in respect of future occupation after a death in the family. This was because, recently, some surviving family members had found it difficult when, in line with the current Succession and Assignment Policy, they had been advised that they would be required to move to different accommodation. 


Scrutiny Committee - Community noted the report and recommended Executive to support the revision of the current Succession and Assignment policy to:-


(1)        define properties as more extensive when there is more than one bedroom in excess of requirements;


(2)        define properties which have had disabled adaptations as “substantially different” where the value of the adoption exceeds £1,000; and


(3)        introduce an appeals procedure.

(Report circulated)