Issue - meetings


Meeting: 22/01/2013 - Executive (Item 8)

8 Draft City Centre Strategy for Exeter 2013 - 2022 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy will consider the report at its meeting on 17 January 2013 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


(Minute 8)


To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy updating members on preparation of a new City Centre Strategy to cover the period 2013/22.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at the meeting on 17 January 2013 and the support of members was noted. The Assistant Director Economy drew Executive’s attention to the comments of the Committee. These covered a range of matters including: the impact of internet sales on high streets, the importance of a mix of national and independent retailers, the significance of a range of generations on evening culture and the potential for “taxi marshalls”.


Executive welcomed the draft Strategy for consultation. The Portfolio Holder Economy and Tourism emphasised that the Strategy was very much a partnership document, rather than solely in the ownership of Exeter City Council and that the involvement of stakeholders was crucial to its success. The Portfolio Holder Business Transformation and Human Resources stressed that the delivery of a City Centre Business Improvement District remained a critical element of providing the necessary resources for achieving desired progress during the 5 year period.


Executive approved the draft City Centre Strategy as the basis for public engagement and consultation with key stakeholders.



To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy updating members on preparation of a new City Centre Strategy to cover the period 2013/22.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at the meeting on 17 January 2013 and the support of members was noted. The Assistant Director Economy drew Executive’s attention to the comments of the Committee. These covered a range of matters including: the impact of internet sales on high streets, the importance of a mix of national and independent retailers, the significance of a range of generations on evening culture and the potential for “taxi marshalls”.


Executive welcomed the draft Strategy for consultation. The Portfolio Holder Economy and Tourism emphasised that the Strategy was very much a partnership document, rather than solely in the ownership of Exeter City Council and that the involvement of stakeholders was crucial to its success. The Portfolio Holder Business Transformation and Human Resources stressed that the delivery of a City Centre Business Improvement District remained a critical element of providing the necessary resources for achieving desired progress during the 5 year period.


RESOLVED that the draft City Centre Strategy be approved as the basis for public engagement and consultation with key stakeholders.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 17/01/2013 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 6)

6 Draft City Centre Strategy for Exeter 2013 - 2022 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy - report circulated

Additional documents:


The City Centre Manager presented a report, updating Members on the preparation of a new City Centre Strategy to cover the period from 2013 to 2022. The current Strategy had reached its conclusion, and a new framework was now needed to maintain the momentum of the recent changes in the city centre, and meet the challenge of the continuing renewal and investment over the next five to ten years.  The new Strategy would relate to the Exeter Vision and map out timescales for key developments and activities. It would also provide the basis for in-depth dialogue with a range of stakeholders and key partners.  It is intended that the new City Centre Strategy would be published by June 2013.


Members welcomed the report and made the following comments:- 


·         the City Council’s efforts to maintain high city centre standards should be acknowledged and not taken for granted.


·         the introduction of ‘taxi marshals’ to manage taxi queues in the later evening would be welcomed. The City Centre Manager undertook to pass on this suggestion to the Exeter Night Time Economy Group and the Assistant Director Environment.


·         the apparent exodus from the city centre at 5.00pm, in contrast to the influx of people later in the evening, might have an effect on those visitors remaining in the city in the evening. 


·         whether there was enough local allegiance, particularly in views of the number of national chains in the High Street to ensure a successful future.  The City Centre Manager reminded Members that Exeter had a good mix of both national firms and a wealth of local independent shops and a successful BID would ensure funding for future projects. 


·         nurturing the burgeoning cafe culture seems to have encouraged the older generation to stay in the centre in the evening and he welcomed any opportunity to encourage more cultural activities and venues. 


·         whether the May deadline was too soon for a further report to Scrutiny, particularly when such a wide consultation exercise was planned.


·         it was interesting to consider how ‘high streets’ were likely to fare over the next decade with the rise of internet sales. The City Centre Manager agreed this was a challenging issue and at a recent retail conference held in the city centre those businesses who could meet both the online and high street challenge were more likely to succeed.


·         concern for the rise of pockets of graffiti throughout the city. The Strategic Director confirmed that a working group had been set up to look specifically at this issue, including the identification of the ‘tags’.


·         whether any influence could be brought to direct the flow of people in a different direction through the city centre in an effort to stimulate less successful areas of the centre.


·         that Members should look at the future funding of Christmas lights in a more measured way.  Councillor Bull suggested convening a Christmas Lights Task and Finish Group. It was proposed the Group should include the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism, the Chair of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6