Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Executive (Item 34)

34 City Centre Business Improvement District pdf icon PDF 63 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 7 March 2013 and comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)



(Minute 34)


The report of the Assistant Director Economy was submitted proposing City Centre support and funding towards the costs of establishing a City Centre Business Improvement District (BID).


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting of 7 March 2013 and the comments and support of members were noted.


Executive noted the attendance of Sarah Bond, Chair of Exeter Chamber of Commerce at the Scrutiny Committee and were pleased to note the strong support of the Chamber for the second BID proposal.  Executive emphasised the importance of a successful collaboration with the business sector for the future prosperity of the City and hoped for a successful outcome to the second BID ballot.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)     Executive confirms its support for the development of the City Centre Business Improvement District proposal; and


(2)     approves up to £25,000 towards the costs of the preparation of the BID Business Plan, and for the holding of the ballot, subject to an appropriate proposal being brought forward.



The report of the Assistant Director Economy was submitted proposing City Centre support and funding towards the costs of establishing a City Centre Business Improvement District (BID).


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting of 7 March 2013 and the comments and support of members were noted.


Executive noted the attendance of Sarah Bond, Chair of Exeter Chamber of Commerce at the Scrutiny Committee and were pleased to note the strong support of the Chamber for the second BID proposal.  Executive emphasised the importance of a successful collaboration with the business sector for the future prosperity of the City and hoped for a successful outcome to the second BID ballot.




(1)     support for the development of the City Centre Business Improvement District proposal be confirmed; and


(2)     up to £25,000 towards the costs of the preparation of the BID Business Plan, and for the holding of the ballot be approved, subject to an appropriate proposal being brought forward.


(Report circulated)


Meeting: 07/03/2013 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 15)


To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy – report circulated



The Assistant Director Economy presented the report which sought City Council support and funding towards the cost of establishing a City Centre Business Improvement District (BID).  This would include a levy on the business rates to support a programme of activities and improvement in the area.


Sara Bond, Chair of Exeter Chamber of Commerce attended the meeting and referred to Chamber colleagues who were firmly backing this second BID proposal.  It was a difficult time for businesses to consider any additional cost, but the proposed BID would provide many benefits for the business community as a whole. Despite the relative resilience of the local economy, there could be no complacency particularly when there were other successful BIDs in nearby towns and cities in the region.  Members welcomed the close involvement of the Chamber of Commerce to work together to develop an even stronger economy.


The following responses were given to Members:-


  • Sara Bond considered that, provided the BID promoted the right vision, local businesses should see the benefits to both themselves and the economy as a whole.  Exeter was already in a good position, but there would be a more targeted approach engaging with many of the same individuals and businesses as well as identifying new consultees in a more clearly defined geographic area.  The Assistant Director Economy added that the consultation exercise would relate to specific addresses within the city centre.


  • The Assistant Director Economy outlined the typical levy payable with a sliding scale to where a business paying less that £10,000 in business rates would not be asked to contribute at all. Smaller businesses were likely to receive the most benefit, with a programme of activities identified in areas with the most need in the city centre. He acknowledged the Member who emphasised the need to provide working examples of the levy and to encourage local business owners who have already shown their commitment to the BID process.


  • Sara Bond addressed a Member’s comment on the need to influence the national High Street names, suggesting that her role as Chair of the Chamber would help in this regard.  Businesses would need to take a particular stance or have a policy for dealing with BID proposals and she would ensure they had made the appropriate contact. There was now an opportunity to make an impact extolling the benefits of a BID, with more support from individuals working towards a successful BID and embracing the latest digital and social media technology.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the progress and supported the contribution of £25,000 towards the cost of a business plan for the development of a City Centre Business Improvement District.


(Report circulated)