Issue - meetings

Changes to Downsizing Policy

Meeting: 18/06/2013 - Executive (Item 56)

56 Downsizing Incentives for Council Tenants pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 29 May 2013 and its comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


(Minute 56)


Councillor Fullam declared an interest as an employee of Sanctuary Housing.


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, seeking Members’ agreement to amend the existing downsizing scheme for tenants to help mitigate the impact of the recent welfare reforms.


Members were advised that the Welfare Reform changes would have an impact on 326 families of working age renting Council properties although tenants not of working age would not be affected. The options that the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Community and Maintaining Assets, in conjunction with officers, had considered were outlined. The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts updated Executive on the recommendation from Scrutiny Committee – Community regarding the discretionary payment of removal funds.


Members discussed the requirement for the Downsizing post, the role the officer would take in helping Council tenants and the need to assess the position after the initial 12 months.


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts clarified the role of the Downsizing Officer post which was for a fixed term of 12 months, this post would be active in helping tenants to downsize, matching tenants should they wish to exchange properties and explore all the options available to tenants that express a desire or need to move.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 28 May 2013 and the comments of members were noted including the addition to the recommendation that the removal fund be operated at the discretion of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts.


Executive resolved to:-


(1)        implement an amended downsizing incentive scheme for Council tenants based on option one set out in the report, the removal fund to be operated at the discretion of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts; and


(2)        introduce a temporary fixed term Downsizing Officer post for 12 months to assist tenants downsizing by identifying the most appropriate properties and giving them support throughout the move.



Councillor Fullam declared an interest as an employee of Sanctuary Housing.


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, seeking Members’ agreement to amend the existing downsizing scheme for tenants to help mitigate the impact of the recent welfare reforms.


Members were advised that the Welfare Reform changes would have an impact on 326 families of working age renting Council properties although tenants not of working age would not be affected. The options that the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Community and Maintaining Assets, in conjunction with officers, had considered were outlined. The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts updated Executive on the recommendation from Scrutiny Committee – Community regarding the discretionary payment of removal funds.


Members discussed the requirement for the Downsizing post, the role the officer would take in helping Council tenants and the need to assess the position after the initial 12 months.


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts clarified the role of the Downsizing Officer post which was for a fixed term of 12 months, this post would be active in helping tenants to downsize, matching tenants should they wish to exchange properties and explore all the options available to tenants that express a desire or need to move.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 28 May 2013 and the comments of members were noted including the addition to the recommendation that the removal fund be operated at the discretion of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts.




(1)        implement an amended downsizing incentive scheme for Council tenants based on option one set out in the report, the removal fund to be operated at the discretion of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts; and


(2)        introduce a temporary fixed term Downsizing Officer post for 12 months to assist tenants downsizing by identifying the most appropriate properties and giving them support throughout the move.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 28/05/2013 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 30)

30 Downsizing incentives for Council Tenants pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts – report circulated 


Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts presented the report seeking approval to amend the existing downsizing scheme for tenants to help mitigate the impact of the recent welfare reforms. It was explained that the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Involvement, in conjunction with officers, had considered four options to address what changes were required to the downsizing scheme to mitigate the impact of welfare reform. Of these four options, option one was presented as the most suitable which involved an additional post to be dedicated to downsizing. Members recognised the importance of such a post. A sum of £27,227 would be allocated to fund removals at £500 a time, funding approximately 54 removals.


Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the report and requested Executive to:-


(1)        implement an amended downsizing incentive scheme for Council tenants based on option one set out in the report, the removals fund to be operated at the discretion of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts; and


(2)        introduce a temporary fixed term Downsizing Officer post for 12 months to assist tenants downsizing by identifying the most appropriate properties and giving then support throughout the move.


(Report circulated)