Issue - meetings

Overview of the General Fund Budget 2013/14

Meeting: 01/10/2013 - Executive (Item 96)

96 Overview of the General Fund Revenue Budget 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider the report of the Acting Assistant Director Finance.

Scrutiny Committee – Resources considered the report at its meeting on 18 September 2013 and its comments will be reported.

(Report circulated)


Additional documents:


The report of the Acting Assistant Director Finance was submitted, advising Members of the overall projected financial position of the General Fund Revenue Budget and Housing Revenue Account after three months, for the 2013/14 financial year. The Service Committees showed an overspend of £378,990 against a revised Service Net Expenditure budget of £12,223,520.


In response to a Member, the Acting Assistant Director Finance advised that the main variance in the Housing Revenue Account was due to additional funding required for Phase 2 of the Council Own Build Programme, which had been previously approved by the Executive.


Members welcomed the improvements undertaken in Cowick Street and the installation of solar panels on the Civic Centre. They discussed the need to scrutinise the trends of sundry debts figures over a five year period; the kitchen and bathroom programme and to invite external contractors to address Members through a Members briefing. It was also felt that Executive should have an overview of the Housing Benefits situation particular in relation to the backlog of applications and progress towards the February 2014 deadline for the claiming of subsidy from the Government.


The Deputy Chief Executive advised that the installation of the solar panels had generated a savings of approximately 40% in electricity usage at the Civic Centre and that the Council would looking to install solar panels on other suitable council buildings.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Customer Access proposed an additional recommendation that a detailed report on the Housing Benefit situation addressing the backlog of applications and February 2014 deadline be brought to the next Executive. This was agreed.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources considered the report at its meeting on 18 September and the comments of the Members were noted.

Executive recommended that Council notes and approves:-


(1)        General Fund forecast financial position for the 2013/14 financial year;


(2)        HRA forecast financial position for 2013/14 financial year;


(3)        additional supplementary budgets listed in Appendix C of the report;


(4)        the outstanding Sundry Debt position as at June 2013; and


(5)        creditors’ payments performance. and


Executive resolved that a report on the Housing Benefits situation be placed on the agenda of the next Executive.



The report of the Acting Assistant Director Finance was submitted, advising Members of the overall projected financial position of the General Fund Revenue Budget and Housing Revenue Account after three months, for the 2013/14 financial year. The Service Committees showed an overspend of £378,990 against a revised Service Net Expenditure budget of £12,223,520.


In response to a Member, the Acting Assistant Director Finance advised that the main variance in the Housing Revenue Account was due to additional funding required for Phase 2 of the Council Own Build Programme, which had been previously approved by the Executive.


Members welcomed the improvements undertaken in Cowick Street and the installation of solar panels on the Civic Centre. They discussed the need to scrutinise the trends of sundry debts figures over a five year period; the kitchen and bathroom programme and to invite external contractors to address Members through a Members briefing. It was also felt that Executive should have an overview of the Housing Benefits situation particular in relation to the backlog of applications and progress towards the February 2014 deadline for the claiming of subsidy from the Government.


The Deputy Chief Executive advised that the installation of the solar panels had generated a savings of approximately 40% in electricity usage at the Civic Centre and that the Council would looking to install solar panels on other suitable council buildings.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Customer Access proposed an additional recommendation that a detailed report on the Housing Benefit situation addressing the backlog of applications and February 2014 deadline be brought to a future meeting of the Executive. This was agreed.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources considered the report at its meeting on 18 September and the comments of the Members were noted.


RECOMMENDED that Council approves the:-


(1)        General Fund forecast financial position for the 2013/14 financial year;


(2)        HRA forecast financial position for 2013/14 financial year;


(3)        additional supplementary budgets listed in Appendix C of the report;


(4)        the outstanding Sundry Debt position as at June 2013; and


(5)        creditors’ payments performance.


RESOLVED that Executive be kept updated on the Housing Benefits situation.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 18/09/2013 - Scrutiny Committee - Resources (Item 36)

36 Overview of the General Fund Budget 2013/14 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider the report of the Acting Assistant Director Finance – report circulated

Additional documents:


The Acting Assistant Director Finance presented the report, advising Members of the overall projected financial position of the General Fund Revenue Budget and Housing Revenue Account after three months, for the 2013/14 financial year. The report contained details of the three Scrutiny Committees and the Housing Revenue Account, together with the current budget variance after the first financial quarter of the year.  The Service Committee budgets showed a forecast overspend of £57,670 against a revised Service net expenditure budget of £12,223,520. The General Fund overspend related to an impact from a reduction of costs resulting from the reorganisation, and an amalgamation of key variances of Committee. Two new elements of the report were included, the highlighting of the main areas of budgetary risk, and more pictorial information on the outstanding debt in key service areas.


The Deputy Chief Executive gave the following responses to Members’ queries:-


·                savings had already been identified from utilising existing staff more efficiently and ensuring a multi skilling approach as a result of the Looking Good Programme.

·                the provision of the CAB Advisory Services in the City Council’s Customer Service Centre had received a very positive response from clients and colleagues, enabling clients to be dealt with as part of a more co-ordinated approach.

·                a review of the reporting mechanism to ensure effective performance monitoring of customer facing services had been discussed at a recent meeting of the Council’s Transformation Board overseeing the reorganisation.


The Acting Assistant Director Finance responded to a comment in respect of the RAMM’s appeal on their Business Rates, advising that the process was very protracted and could take a number of years to resolve.  He acknowledged the positive comments on the management of the Council’s property portfolio, adding that colleagues had adopted their current approach as they were mindful of the challenging financial climate.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources noted the report and requested that Council approve the:-

(1)  General Fund forecast financial position for the 2013/14 financial year;

(2)  Housing Revenue Account forecast financial position for 2013/14 financial year;

(3)  additional supplementary budgets listed in Appendix C of the circulated report;

(4)  outstanding Sundry Debt position as at June 2013; and

(5)  creditors’ payments performance.


(Report circulated)