Issue - meetings

Commitment to Local Employment and Training

Meeting: 21/01/2014 - Executive (Item 7)

7 A Commitment to Local Employment and Training pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To consider the joint report of the Assistant Director Economy and Assistant Director City Development.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 16 January 2013 and its comments will be reported.

Additional documents:





(1)          the progression of the application of Local Labour Agreements to new development proposals of an appropriate scale and size, through the preparation and adoption of a Supplementary Planning Document facilitated by the emerging Draft Development Delivery Development Plan Document be approved;


(2)        the Exeter and Heart of Devon Employment and Skills Board be encouraged to promote the adoption and application of Local Labour Agreements by developers, employers, local authorities and other stakeholders within and beyond the sub-region.


(3)        this approach is promoted to the Growth Board partners and developed in partnership with them; and


(4)        an approach is established to develop and promote the supply of local goods and services to the construction industry alongside local employment, recruitment, apprenticeships and skills training.


Reason for Decision:



As set out in the report.



The joint report of the Assistant Director City Development and Assistant Director Economy was submitted, outlining the mechanism that could be applied in Exeter to help residents achieve financial independence, by working with employers and training providers to give employees and young people a competitive edge in going for local jobs. The proposal was to use opportunities in the planning process through supplementary planning guidance to encourage the use of the local work force.


Whilst the majority of Members welcomed the progression of Local Labour Agreements by working with employers to encourage the employment of the local labour force, one Member raised concerns regarding how any Supplementary Planning Document could be enforced and that it could be viewed as discrimination.


The Portfolio Holder for Economy and Culture advised that further work was required to be undertaken on Local Area Agreements and that a report would be brought back in due course with more detail on how employers could be encouraged utilise the local labour force. Any proposals would not be to the detriment of housing supply in the city.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting 16 January 2014 and the comments of Members were noted.




(1)          the progression of the application of Local Labour Agreements to new development proposals of an appropriate scale and size, through the preparation and adoption of a Supplementary Planning Document facilitated by the emerging Draft Development Delivery Development Plan Document be approved;


(2)        the Exeter and Heart of Devon Employment and Skills Board be encouraged to promote the adoption and application of Local Labour Agreements by developers, employers, local authorities and other stakeholders within and beyond the sub-region.


(3)        this approach is promoted to the Growth Board partners and developed in partnership with them; and


(4)        an approach is established to develop and promote the supply of local goods and services to the construction industry alongside local employment, recruitment, apprenticeships and skills training.


(In accordance with Standing Order no.43, Councillor Mrs Henson requested that her abstention from voting be recorded)


Meeting: 16/01/2014 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 10)

10 A Commitment to Local Employment and Training pdf icon PDF 105 KB

To consider the joint report of the Projects Officer, Economy, the Assistant Director Economy and Assistant Director City Development.

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Economy presented the report as a key action within the City Council’s Corporate Plan (2012 - 2014) to take advantage of the development process using planning powers to create Local Labour Agreements to give local people a chance to secure jobs arising from construction projects. Other local authorities, including Sedgemoor and Eastbourne Councils, had successfully used this approach enabling local people to gain training opportunities and employment.


A Member referred to the recent development of student accommodation in Western Way, built by a workforce, predominantly drawn from outside of the region. Although there were other benefits to the local economy, and there was no compulsion to use the local workforce, every effort should be made to encourage the building industry to use employees from the locality and contribute to creating training opportunities for young people.


Funding through Section 106 agreements could help with the necessary training and skills. A Member referred to Mulberry, who were a good example of a high end manufacturer who had made a commitment to the local workforce in Somerset through this approach.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy supported the following recommendations for consideration by Executive:-


(1)        approve the application of Local Labour Agreements to new development proposals of an appropriate scale and size, through the preparation and adoption of Planning Documents facilitated by the emerging Draft Development Delivery Development Plan Document;


(2)        the Exeter and Heart of Devon Employment and Skills Board be encouraged to promote the adoption and application of Local Labour Agreements by developers, employers, local authorities and other stakeholders within and beyond the sub-region;


(3)        this approach be promoted to the Growth Board partners and developed in partnership with them; and


(4)        an approach be established to develop and promote the supply of local goods and services to the construction industry alongside local employment, recruitment, apprenticeships and skills training.