Issue - meetings

Minutes Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board

Meeting: 18/03/2014 - Executive (Item 39)

Minutes of Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board - 16 January 2014

Members are requested to note the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board meeting held on 16 January 2014.







That the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board meeting held on 16 January 2014 be noted.



The Chief Executive & Growth Director reported that, following an unsuccessful bid in Round I to the Department of Energy and Climate Change Heat Network Development Fund for support to establish an Energy Services Company a further bid had been made in Round 2 in January. This had been successful and it was understood that a grant of £250,000 had been agreed. The funding would help undertake the feasibility work to set up the Energy Services Company and would combine the role of a commercial partner with the public sector to help roll out the central district heating network.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board meeting held on 16 January 2014 be noted.



Meeting: 06/03/2014 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 29)

Minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board

To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2014.  


The minutes of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board held on 16 January 2014 were circulated for Members’ information, and referred to a number of issues that the City Council may need to consider and take forward as appropriate.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the content of the Exeter and Heart of Devon Growth Board Minutes.