Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy

Meeting: 18/11/2014 - Executive (Item 109)

109 Proposed Introduction of a Discretionary Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 11 November 2014 and its comments will be reported.



Additional documents:







(1)          a Designation for an Additional Licensing Scheme, covering the whole of the Exeter City Council administrative area, for the types of HMOs specified in Appendix 1, annex B, be made;


(2)       the fee structure detailed in Appendix 2 and the licence conditions detailed in Appendix 3, be agreed;


(3)          the implementation of the Scheme beginning on 23 February 2015, be agreed; and


(4)          the Assistant Director Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Customer Access be authorised to periodically review the Scheme, its implementation and resourcing to ensure that the principles of the Scheme are achieved.



Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.



The report of the Assistant Director Housing was submitted to provide Members with feedback on the outcome of the 10 week consultation exercise undertaken on the proposal to extend the principles of Mandatory Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) Licensing through the introduction of an Additional Licensing Scheme covering specific types of HMOs throughout Exeter. The report also sought approval for the Designation of an Additional Licensing Scheme. 


Members were advised that the purpose of the scheme was to improve standards of those properties deemed sub standard and it would also relieve pressure on the general fund by some £450,000 over the next five years which would help address the severe financial pressures faced by the Council. The new methods of operation were governed by regulations and the scheme would come into force on 23 February 2015.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Customer Access stated that this proposal was the start of a process over the coming year to work with Landlords to improve tenanted properties.


Members welcomed this way forward to improve the standards of HMOs in the city.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 11 November 2014 and the comments of the Members were noted.




(1)          a Designation for an Additional Licensing Scheme, covering the whole of the Exeter City Council administrative area, for the types of HMOs specified in Appendix 1, annex B, be made;


(2)       the fee structure detailed in Appendix 2 and the licence conditions detailed in Appendix 3, be agreed;


(3)          the implementation of the Scheme beginning on 23 February 2015, be agreed; and


(4)          the Assistant Director Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Customer Access be authorised to periodically review the Scheme, its implementation and resourcing to ensure that the principles of the Scheme are achieved.


Meeting: 11/11/2014 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 50)

50 Additional Licensing for Certain Types of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOS) throughout Exeter pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Housing.



Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Housing presented the report providing feedback on the outcome of the 10 week consultation exercise undertaken on the proposal to extend the principles of Mandatory HMO Licensing through the introduction of an Additional Licensing Scheme covering specific types of HMO’s throughout Exeter. It also sought approval for the Designation of an Additional Licensing Scheme.  


Responding to Members queries, he advised that the purpose of the scheme was to both improve standards of those properties deemed sub standard and to relieve the pressure on the general fund as part of the on-going savings drive to help address the severe financial pressures faced by the Council. It reflected a move from a reactive to a proactive delivery of the service and to the need for the Council to look at more efficient and cost effective ways of delivering services.


It was explained that the timeframe for the new methods of operation was governed by regulations and that February 2015 was the earliest the scheme could come into operation, thereby generating income in this financial year.


Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the report and requested Executive to:-


1)    make a Designation for an Additional Licensing Scheme, covering the whole of the Exeter City Council administrative area, for the types of HMOs specified in Appendix 1, annex B of the circulated report;


2)    agree the fee structure set out in Appendix 2 and the licence conditions detailed in Appendix 3 of the circulated report;


3)    agree 23 February 2015 as the start date for the implementation of the Scheme; and


4)    authorise the Assistant Director Housing, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to periodically review the Scheme, its implementation and resourcing to ensure that the principles of the Scheme are achieved.