Issue - meetings

Clinical Waste Collections

Meeting: 27/01/2015 - Executive (Item 5)

5 Clinical Waste Collection pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider the report of the Cleansing and Fleet Manager.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2015 and its comments will be reported.


Additional documents:







(1)          a separate clinical waste collection is offered only for hazardous or infectious clinical waste, meaning that offensive waste, such as sanitary protection products (Sanpro waste), will be collected and disposed of via the domestic rubbish collection and disposal at the Energy from Waste plant;


(2)          additional rubbish capacity is provided to households generating Sanpro waste at no charge, where required;


(3)          the Council works with healthcare providers to ensure they make their own arrangements to remove clinical waste that they generate in clients’ homes, or that they pay the Council to collect this waste; and


(4)          the Council work with pharmacies and others to explore the potential for a network of sharps-box depositories and exchanges.


Reason for Decision:


To reduce the costs incurred by the Council in providing a clinical waste service that currently exceeds our statutory duties, and develop alternative disposal provision that some clients may prefer.



The report of the Cleansing and Fleet Manager was submitted which sought approval for the redesign of the clinical waste collection service.  If the recommendations could be implemented fully, this would enable a reduction in costs of approximately £30,000, offer alternative and preferred provision for some clients, and ensure that the Council continued to comply with all relevant legislation.


In response to Members’ questions, the Cleansing and Fleet Manager confirmed that while offensive waste would be disposed of via the general rubbish collection there would be a free clinical Sharps waste collection service. As a high proportion of customers receiving a separate clinical waste collection would be experiencing ill-health or have a disability, communication would be carried out sensitively which would include one to one contact via the phone or household visits.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2015 and the support and comments of the Members were noted.




(1)          a separate clinical waste collection is offered only for hazardous or infectious clinical waste, meaning that offensive waste, such as sanitary protection products (Sanpro waste), will be collected and disposed of via the domestic rubbish collection and disposal at the Energy from Waste plant;


(2)          additional rubbish capacity is provided to households generating Sanpro waste at no charge, where required;


(3)          the Council works with healthcare providers to ensure they make their own arrangements to remove clinical waste that they generate in clients’ homes, or that they pay the Council to collect this waste; and


(4)          the Council work with pharmacies and others to explore the potential for a network of sharps-box depositories and exchanges.


Meeting: 21/01/2015 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 11)

11 Clinical Waste Collections pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Environment.


Additional documents:


The Cleansing and Fleet Manager presented the report seeking approval for the re-design of the clinical waste collection service. The proposals, if implemented fully, would enable costs to be reduced by approximately £30,000, offer alternative and preferred provision for some clients and ensure that relevant legislation is complied with.


He responded as follows to Members’ queries:-


·         a trade clinical waste service already operated for care homes, etc. In terms of residents being treated at home by a health care worker, the Council would seek a service level agreement with the relevant health provider to collect the clinical waste generated from treatment; and

·         at present, clinical waste was disposed of on a daily basis by vans transporting the waste to Liskeard, with East Devon and Teignbridge District Councils operating similar systems. From the end of January, a central collection point would operate from Exton Road with a larger vehicle transporting this waste to Liskeard.


Scrutiny Committee - Community noted the report and recommended Executive to:-


(1)        agree a separate clinical waste collection being offered only for hazardous or infectious clinical waste, meaning that offensive waste, such as sanitary protection products (Sanpro waste), would be collected and disposed of via the domestic rubbish collection and disposal at the Energy from Waste plant;


(2)        where required, agree to additional rubbish capacity being provided to households generating Sanpro waste at no charge;


(3)        approve the City Council working with healthcare providers to ensure they make their own arrangements to remove clinical waste that they generate in clients’ homes, or that they pay the Council to collect this waste; and


(4)        approve the Council working with pharmacies and others to explore the potential for a network of sharps-box depositories and exchanges.