Issue - meetings

Business Improvement District

Meeting: 27/01/2015 - Executive (Item 8)

8 City Centre Business Improvement District pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 22 January 2015 and its comments will be reported.



Additional documents:






That it is recommended to Council that it approves the City Council casting its votes in favour of setting up the City Centre BID in the forthcoming ballot in February 2015.

Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.



The report of the Assistant Director Economy was submitted setting out the process and proposals for setting up the City Centre Business Improvement District and recommended that the City Council casts its votes in support of setting it up for the next five years. If the ballot was successful, the BID would commence within six months of the ballot taking place, for a period of five years until 2020.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 22 January 2015 and the support and comments of the Members were noted.


RECOMMENDED to Council that it approves the City Council casting its votes in favour of setting up the City Centre BID in the forthcoming ballot in February 2015.


Meeting: 22/01/2015 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 7)

7 City Centre Business Improvement District pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy.  

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Economy presented a report which set out the process and a proposal for setting up the City Centre Business Improvement District, (BID) and also as the Council will be eligible as a rate payer on its own property, recommended that the City Council should cast its votes in support of setting up the BID for the next five years.  A copy of the BID Business Plan was circulated with the report.


The establishment of a city centre BID was important to provide the focus for a concentrated effort to face up to the challenges of meeting the changes in consumer behaviour, investment being made in other locations and the reality of reducing public sector finances and services.  It was anticipated that as the BID progressed, local businesses and stakeholders would more readily be able to identify the projects that will ensure a more coordinated approach to enhancing the city centre. If the ballot was successful, the BID would commence within six months of the ballot taking place, for a period of five years until 2020.


A Member complimented all those involved in drawing the BID document together and particularly welcomed the inclusion of the wide a range of stakeholders which should have a universal appeal.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy supported the proposals of the City Centre Business Improvement District Board and recommended to Executive and Council the following:-


(1)       that the City Council vote in favour of the establishment of the City Centre Business Improvement District (BID);  and

(2)       the City Council casts its votes in favour of setting up the City Centre BID in the forthcoming ballot in February 2015.