Issue - meetings

Annual Review of Exeter Business Support

Meeting: 27/01/2015 - Executive (Item 10)

10 Annual Review of Support for Small Businesses pdf icon PDF 325 KB

To consider the report of the Economy and Tourism Manager.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 22 January 2015 and its comments will be reported.







That the:-


(1)          the City Council to continue to fund business support for embryonic, new and existing businesses to provide opportunities for individuals to secure the means of improving their financial position and promoting job creation, at a cost of £42,000; and


(2)          authority be given to officers within Economy  to negotiate a service level agreement for 2015 – 2016, following a contract advertisement, for the continued delivery of services outlined in the report under the banner of Exeter Business Support.



Reason for Decision:


To ensure that there is fit for purpose business support, advice and guidance for the residents of the city to gain free advice and guidance on setting up a new business, and improving the prospects of an existing business.  Without a dedicated support, business start-up and survival rates could fall in Exeter.



The report of the Economy and Tourism Manager was submitted updating Members as to the progress made in supporting businesses through Exeter Business Support and the Exeter Pop Up Shop and in renewing the contract for this service, due to commence in April 2015. Following a tendering exercise for the Exeter Business Support Contract for 2015/16, Peninsula Innovations Ltd had been successfully re-appointed.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 22 January 2015 and the support and comments of the Members were noted.




(1)          the City Council to continue to fund business support for embryonic, new and existing businesses to provide opportunities for individuals to secure the means of improving their financial position and promoting job creation, at a cost of £42,000; and


(2)          authority be given to officers within Economy  to negotiate a service level agreement for 2015 – 2016, following a contract advertisement, for the continued delivery of services outlined in the report under the banner of Exeter Business Support.


Meeting: 22/01/2015 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 9)

9 Annual Review of Support for Exeter Businesses pdf icon PDF 325 KB

To consider the report of the Senior Economy and Tourism Officer and Assistant Director Economy.


The Economy and Tourism Manager updated Members on the progress made in supporting businesses through Exeter Business Support and the Exeter Pop Up Shop format, and the progress to renew the contract for this service, due to commence in April 2015.  She was able to confirm that following a tendering exercise for the Exeter Business Support Contract for 2015/16, that Peninsula Innovations Ltd. had been successfully re-appointed.


The Economy and Tourism Manager responded to a Member’s comment on the range of marketing material currently in use, and confirmed that regular reviews of former clients were carried out including details of employee numbers and turnover.  She also referred to the three month period offered for the Pop-Up Shop which provided an opportunity for fledgling companies to test the business model to see if they had a sustainable customer base and marketing model.  There have been successes with a number of businesses having moved on to trade elsewhere in the city.  She was unable to make a comparison with the loss of family run independent traders and the number of charity shops operating in the city, but would make enquiries with the Estates team.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy noted the report and recommended Executive to:-


(1)     support the City Council in continuing to fund business support for embryonic, new and existing businesses to provide opportunities for individuals to secure the means of improving their financial position and promoting job creation, at a cost of £42,000, and


(2)     Officers within Economy be authorised to negotiate a service level agreement for 2015 – 2016, following a contract advertisement, for the continued delivery of services outlined in this report under the banner of Exeter Business Support.