Issue - meetings

Adoption of the Low Emissions Strategy

Meeting: 14/04/2015 - Executive (Item 43)

43 Adoption of the Low Emissions Strategy pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Environment.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 3 March 2015 and its comments will be reported.


Additional documents:





That it is recommended to Council that the Low Emissions Strategy circulated with the report be adopted as the Low Emissions Strategy for Exeter for the period 2015-2018.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.



The report of the Assistant Director Environment was submitted advising Members on the development of a Low Emissions Strategy for Exeter, and requesting the adoption of the strategy. Poor local air quality affected the health of those living and working in Exeter and the Low Emissions Strategy had been developed to achieve further reductions in emissions of local and global air pollutants from traffic in the city. The Council had taken the lead in developing the Low Emissions Strategy but was just one partner involved in reducing emissions of local air pollutants and their health impacts.


Members were advised that a foreword to the Low Emissions Strategy had been drafted and would be signed by the Director of Public Health for the NHS and Devon County Council, the Chair of Exeter Health and Wellbeing Board, the Leader of Exeter City Council and Councillor Leadbetter (Devon County Council) as a joint commitment to the Strategy.


In response to Members’ questions, the Assistant Director Environment clarified that Stagecoach South West would be one of the key partners on the Low Emissions Strategy Steering Group and he would update Members on the position with regards to the personal air monitors.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 3 March 2015 and its comments were reported.


RECOMMENDED to Councilthat the Low Emissions Strategy circulated with the report be adopted as the Low Emissions Strategy for Exeter for the period 2015-2018.


Meeting: 03/03/2015 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 20)

20 Adoption of the Low Emissions Strategy pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Environment.



Additional documents:


The Environmental Health Technician presented the report advising Members about the development of a Low Emissions Strategy for Exeter, and requesting adoption of the strategy.


The Low Emissions Strategy had been developed to achieve further reductions in emissions of local and global air pollutants from traffic in the city, within the context of sustainable development of the city, by a range of proposed measures, as set out in the document. The Council had taken the lead in developing the Low Emissions Strategy but was just one partner involved in reducing emission of local air pollutants and their health impacts. The Strategy emphasised that, with vision and commitment, a step change in emissions in the city could be achieved, with benefits to the local population and economy.


Responding to questions from Members submitted prior to the meeting, she confirmed that:-


  • any Devon County Council planning application for the Alphington Road Park and Ride and bus corridor would include an air quality assessment which she would review; and
  • the emission rates shown for the City’s road network and illustrated in the maps within the report did not relate specifically to peak hours but showed the average grammes per km per second emitted over a 12 month period.


Scrutiny Committee - Community supported the report and requested Executive to recommend that Council adopt the Low Emissions Strategy for Exeter for the period 2015-18.