Issue - meetings

Exeter Business Support Contract

Meeting: 26/01/2016 - Executive (Item 10)

10 Annual Review of Support for Small Businesses pdf icon PDF 326 KB

To consider the report of the Economy and Tourism Manager.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2016 and its comments will be reported.








(1)     continuing to fund business support for embryonic, new and existing businesses in providing opportunities for individuals to secure the means of improving their financial position and promoting job creation, at a cost of £25,000, be supported; and


(2)     following an advertisement for the continued delivery of services outlined in this report under the banner of Exeter Business Support with £25,000 secured from each of the neighbouring local authority areas of East Devon, Mid Devon and Teignbridge to match that of the Exeter Contribution also of £25,000, officers within Economy & Tourism be authorised to negotiate a contract for £100,000 for 2016/17.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.




The report of the Economy and Tourism Manager was submitted advising Members of the progress made in supporting businesses through Exeter Business Support and the Exeter Pop Up Shop and in expanding the contract for this service for the 2016 financial year to cover the Exeter and Heart of Devon area.


Members were advised that the Council had previously invested £42,000 in Exeter Business Support and that the proposal was now to invest £25,000 together with £25,000 from each of the neighbouring local authorities East Devon, Mid Devon and Teignbridge District Councils. The new contract to manage business support was currently being put out to tender.


The Portfolio Holder for Economy and Culture welcomed the partnership which would work for the benefit of the Greater Exeter Area.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2016 and its comments were reported.




(1)     continuing to fund business support for embryonic, new and existing businesses in providing opportunities for individuals to secure the means of improving their financial position and promoting job creation, at a cost of £25,000, be supported; and


(2)     following an advertisement for the continued delivery of services outlined in this report under the banner of Exeter Business Support with £25,000 secured from each of the neighbouring local authority areas of East Devon, Mid Devon and Teignbridge to match that of the Exeter Contribution also of £25,000, officers within Economy & Tourism be authorised to negotiate a contract for £100,000 for 2016/17.


Meeting: 21/01/2016 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 5)

5 Annual Review of Support for Small Businesses pdf icon PDF 326 KB

To consider the report of the Economy and Tourism Manager.



The Economy and Tourism Manager presented a report which outlined the progress made in supporting businesses through Exeter Business Support and the Exeter Pop Up Shop format. She referred to the progress made to expand the contract for this service for the 2016 financial year to cover the Exeter and the Heart of Devon area.  It was important to ensure that a fit for purpose business support service is provided offering free advice and guidance on setting up a new business, and improving the prospects of existing businesses. It was noted that Peninsula Innovations Limited had indicated they would no longer be tendering for the contract, which will result in a new supplier for the Exeter & Heart of Devon Business Advice and Support Contract for 2016/17. The details had been advertised on the City Council’s web site, neighbouring websites as well as the Government’s free procurement portal. The costs for the service would be shared equally between the neighbouring local authorities. It was anticipated that a successful candidate would be appointed to enable the new contract to commence on 1 April 2016.  It was also anticipated that the City Council’s Economy colleagues would continue to use the existing client information and data so that the support would continue in the interim period. A list of the support offered to date had been included in an appendix to the report. The Economy and Tourism Manager responded to a Member’s question on the take up of workshops, which offered an opportunity for concept development. She would also take up an issue raised by two Members relating to a high street shop and pass on the details to one of the BID ambassadors.


The Economy and Tourism Manager provided an update on the Exeter Pop Up Shop format, which had provided an opportunity for fledgling companies to test their business model. They had been working with Estates to develop this further and were set to introduce a new structure from April onwards to widen the appeal. 

A Member also referred to the Pop-Up Shop Scheme and whilst the format was used in South Street, there seemed to be a growing number of vacant shops in Sidwell Street, which was damaging to the overall street scene. The Economy and Tourism Manager advised that the initiative would be widened to include such areas.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy noted the report and recommended Executive to:-


(1)       Support the City Council in continuing to fund business support for embryonic, new and existing businesses in providing opportunities for individuals to secure the means of improving their financial position and promoting job creation, at a cost of £25,000, and


(2)       officers within Economy & Tourism be authorised to negotiate a contract for £100,000 for the financial year 2016 – 2017, following an advertisement for the continued delivery of services outlined in this report under the banner of Exeter Business Support.  It was noted that £25,000 had been secured from each of the neighbouring local authority areas of East Devon, Mid  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5