Issue - meetings

Ramm Digital Strategy ( Camilla Hampshire)

Meeting: 26/01/2016 - Executive (Item 12)

12 RAMM Digital Media Road Map and Progress pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To consider the report of the Museums Manager and Culture Lead.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2016 and its comments will be reported.








(1)     the RAMM digital road map as set out in the report as extant at December 2015, be implemented; 


(2)     the Museum Manager be given delegated authority to apply any necessary adjustments to the road map as necessitated by changes in resources or funding from external factors;


(3)     a follow up report is produced for Members to present the results and findings around the implementation of the road map with regular reporting to ACE and the Council to capture changes to existing digital products; and


(4)     outcomes of the work that deliver both Exeter City Council objectives and those of its partner, Arts Council England, be noted.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.



The report of the Museums Manager and Culture Lead was submitted advising Members on RAMM’s digital roadmap for the period 2015-18, this timescale having being set by RAMM’s Major Partner in Museum Funding (in partnership with Plymouth Museum & Art Gallery) and from the Arts Council England (ACE). The road map was to provide a structure to digital development and allow progress to be tracked against timescales.


The Digital Media Officer advised that the digital roadmap would build on RAMM’s innovation and success with its digital work.


In response to a Member, the Digital Media Officer clarified that work was planned to develop the RAMM website and good practice was being shared with Strata.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at its meeting on 21 January 2016 and its comments were reported.




(1)     the RAMM digital road map as set out in the report as extant at December 2015, be implemented; 


(2)     the Museum Manager be given delegated authority to apply any necessary adjustments to the road map as necessitated by changes in resources or funding from external factors;


(3)     a follow up report is produced for Members to present the results and findings around the implementation of the road map with regular reporting to ACE and the Council to capture changes to existing digital products; and


(4)     outcomes of the work that deliver both Exeter City Council objectives and those of its partner, Arts Council England, be noted.


Meeting: 21/01/2016 - Scrutiny Committee - Economy (Item 7)

7 RAMM Digital Media Road Map and Progress pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To consider the report of the Museums Manager.


The Digital Media Officer for the Royal Albert Memorial Museum (RAMM) presented a report which focused on RAMM’s digital roadmap for the period 2015-18. The period is set by the major funding coming from RAMM’s Major Partner Museum Funding (in partnership with Plymouth Museum & Art Gallery) from Arts Council England (ACE), and the roadmap would provide a structure to digital development and allow progress to be tracked against agreed timescales.


RAMM had a track record of innovation and success with its digital work, and included recognition from the Museums Association, Museum Next International Museums Conference, UK Museums on the Web, National Museum Directors Council and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. RAMM had sought to make its digital products sustainable and build on this success, rather than creating sequential projects with limited lifespan or no lasting value or identity. The digital landscape was constantly changing both in terms of how different technologies work and how they are used, and such partnerships could help to better deliver the visitor experience online, add a fresh perspective and help unlock future funding.


The Digital Media Officer responded to a Member’s question on ensuring the data was kept up to date and of a good standard. He agreed that it was a challenge to keep the online information up to date and current, and he referred to colleague’s efforts to look at one another’s work critically as well as using a publishing ‘buddy’ system.  He also responded to a Member who commented on the RAMM’s print on demand web site, confirming that the details of popular searches were tracked and analysed through the web site.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy requested Executive to approve the following:-


(1)       implementation of the RAMM digital road map as extant at December 2015 (as detailed in an annexe 1 circulated with the report); 


(2)       delegated authority be given to the Museum Manager to decide to apply any necessary adjustments to the road map as necessitated by changes in resources or funding from external factors;


(3)       a follow up report for Members will enable the position of the results and findings around the implementation of the road map.  Regular reporting to the Arts Council England and Exeter City Council will capture changes to existing digital products; and 


(4)       the outcomes of the work that deliver both Exeter City Council objectives and those of its partner, Arts Council England be noted.