Issue - meetings

Homelessness Task and Finish Group

Meeting: 26/01/2016 - Executive (Item 8)

8 Development of Council's Homelessness Strategy - Draft for Consultation pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Customer Access.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 19 January 2016 and its comments will be reported.



Additional documents:







(1)     the content and aims of the draft Homelessness Strategy 2016 – 2021 as a draft for Consultation; and


(2)     a public consultation be undertaken to gain feedback from stakeholders and other interested parties.


Reason for Decision:


The strategy has been developed follow a series of Task and Finish Group meetings highlighting different issues which impact homelessness. There is a legal requirement to consult partners about our plans, which is essential as they are key components in our successful delivery.





The report of the Assistant Director Customer Access was submitted introducing the draft Homelessness Strategy for Exeter and Teignbridge which had been developed from the findings and recommendations of the Task and Finish Group. The group had been convened to review homelessness in the city and to help form and shape the new Homelessness Strategy and action plan.


The Systems Lead – Housing advised Members of the work of the Task and Finish Group and of the themes of a Place to Live; Access to Services; Health and Protection; Money Matter set out within the draft strategy.


The consultation would run from 12 February 2016 until 25 March 2016 with respondents asked to consider the themes, aims and actions. Stakeholders would be asked how they can help the Council to deliver a better offer for local residents facing homelessness in the area.


The Portfolio Holder for Customer Access thanked the officers for all their hard work on the draft strategy.


Members thanked Councillor Morris for her work in driving the strategy forward.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting on 19 January 2016 and its comments were reported.




(1)     the content and aims of the draft Homelessness Strategy 2016 – 2021 as a draft for Consultation, be agreed; and


(2)     a public consultation be undertaken to gain feedback from stakeholders and other interested parties.



Meeting: 19/01/2016 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 3)

3 Development of the Council's Homelessness Strategy - Draft for Consultation pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To consider the report of the Assistant Director Customer Access.



Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Customer Access presented the report setting out the draft Homelessness Strategy for Exeter and Teignbridge which had been developed from the findings and recommendations of the Task and Finish Group convened to review homelessness in the City and to help form and shape the new Homelessness Strategy and action plan. The group had been chaired by Councillor Harvey and involved representatives from both Councils.


The System Lead - Housing spoke on the following themes set out within the strategy including the aims summary for each and the proposed action points:-


·         A Place to Live

·         Access to Services

·         Health and Protection; and

·         Money Matters


The Chair welcomed the report which had been identified by the Portfolio Holder for Customer Access as a priority.


The System Lead - Housing responded to Members queries:-


·         the Safe Sleep Exeter facility was 65-70% occupied with seven individuals identified for longer term accommodation with three pending, the scheme to be evaluated at the end of March. Working closely with the Police and local providers to look at options for rough sleepers whose behaviour and substance misuse was not manageable in a shelter setting; 

·         regarding the distribution of sleeping bags and food from various sources, there was an increased desire to work with providers to work towards a co-ordinated response with a consistent message of encouraging the homeless to engage with statutory services and seek solutions to their situations;

·         in the face of increasing budget cuts, the need for smarter working was  acknowledged to eliminate duplication and increase efficiencies. The Integrated Care Exeter initiative was key in this respect. Work was already in progress with regard to local engagement with the Community Rehabilitation Companies;

·         an alternative model for housing victims of domestic abuse and violence was being piloted which differed from the traditional refuge model;

·         although a number of partners were involved in the development of the strategy, there was no clear framework catering for volunteering. The first step would be to establish closer links with agencies and provide a forum for all those involved in working with the homeless; and

·         no direct support from private sector investors had materialised to date.


Scrutiny Committee - Community agreed the content and aims of the draft Homelessness Strategy 2016-2021 as a draft for consultation and supported a public consultation to gain feedback from stake-holders and other interested parties.