Issue - meetings

Strata Human Resources Update

Meeting: 21/06/2016 - Strata Joint Executive Committee (Item 22)

Human Resources Update Report

To consider the report of the Strata Board.


Additional documents:





that the report be noted.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report



The report of the Strata Board was submitted updating Members on the progress with the key Human Resources work.


The Chief Operating Officer advised that all staff members were being dealt with on an individual basis and that they would not be forced to take Strata terms unless they were being offered new roles. The HR strategy and advice to Strata was that although harmonisation of terms was the ultimate aim, new terms needed to be offered for existing roles where it was affordable and suited the needs of the business.


The results of the Staff engagement survey had been published and were available on the Strata internet. It had been recommended that the Strata management team draw up an action plan on feedback received from the survey and to assist towards the attainment of Investors in People. Staff meetings were now in place and there were regular 1-2-1’s in which staff could discuss issues directly with their line managers.


Strata Joint Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 7 June 2016 and its comments were reported.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


Meeting: 07/06/2016 - Strata Joint Scrutiny Committee (Item 28)

Human Resources Update Report

To consider the report of the Strata Board.


Additional documents:


The Alternate Director (HR & OD Lead) presented the Human Resources update report. Members noted that from the outset, the Human Resources strategy, advice, consultation with the Board, UNISON, employee representatives and staff had been consistent. They also noted that the company would need to determine the structure before new terms were offered and that individuals would not be forced to take Strata terms unless they were being offered new roles in that structure.


Additionally, from the outset, the HR strategy and advice to Strata was that although harmonisation of terms was the ultimate aim, new terms needed to be offered for existing roles where it was affordable and suited the needs of the business. Agreement to the restructure proposals was given to the Board by the JEC in October 2015. Delivery of the restructure had been delayed to date due to the delay in providing job descriptions and job evaluation forms to HR.


The results of the Staff engagement survey had been published and were available on the Strata internet. It had been recommended that the Strata management team draw up an action plan on feedback received from the survey and help improving towards the attainment of Investors in People.


Strata Joint Scrutiny Committee noted the progress of the Human Resources report.