Issue - meetings

Restructure of the Housing Needs

Meeting: 11/07/2017 - Executive (Item 74)

Housing Needs Restructure

To consider the report of the Director.


Additional documents:







(1)        the draft business case be approved, so that consultation with employees and trade unions could commence;


(2)        the actions being taken to respond to the Homelessness Reduction Act be noted; and


(3)        the review of the post of Joint Housing Needs Lead to be undertaken over the next six months be noted. Teignbridge District Council were currently employing this post and seconding the staff member to Exeter City Council.


Reason for Decision:


A review of staff resources has been done in order to respond to changing national and local circumstances. The proposed restructure will allow the Council to provide holistic responses to housing need and make best use of temporary accommodation options.




The Deputy Chief Executive presented the report on introducing the draft business case in respect of a restructure of the Housing Needs Team.


Members were advised that a review of staff had been done in order to respond to changing national and local circumstances. The proposed restructure would allow the Council to provide holistic responses to housing needs and make the best of the temporary accommodation options. The report sought Members agreement to proceed to the formal consultation process, after which the responses would be reviewed and any applicable changes made and brought back for Executive to consider later in the year.


The Portfolio Holder for People supported the report.




(1)        the draft business case be approved, so that consultation with employees and trade unions could commence;


(2)        the actions being taken to respond to the Homelessness Reduction Act be noted; and


(3)        the review of the post of Joint Housing Needs Lead to be undertaken over the next six months be noted. Teignbridge District Council were currently employing this post and seconding the staff member to Exeter City Council.