Internal Audit Report on Strata's Systems
To consider the Internal Audit Report
that the report be noted.
Reason for Decision:
As set out in the report |
The Director (Finance Lead) presented the Strata Internal Audit Report 2015/16 produced by the Devon Audit Partnership following its successful tender bid for a three year contract.
The Audit opinion was that the systems and controls generally mitigated the risk identified but a few weaknesses had been identified and/or mitigating controls had not been fully applied. There were no significant matters arising from the audit and the recommendations made served to strengthen what were mainly reliable procedures.
“Good standard” levels of assurance had been given for each of the following areas covered during the audit:-
· ICT Strategy;
· Change Management;
· Incident and Problem solving; and
· Key operational functions.
In response to Members’ questions, the Director (Finance Lead) clarified the position with regards to the contract with Devon Audit Partnership and that the next area to be audited would be Governance. This report would be brought to Members in December.
Members discussed the definitions and what was required by Strata Solutions to meet the measure of high standards and priorities.
Strata Joint Scrutiny Committee considered the report at its meeting on 15 September 2016 and its comments were reported.
RESOLVED that the report be noted.
41 Internal Audit Report on Strata's Systems
To consider the Internal Audit Report
The Director responsible for Finance presented the Strata Internal Audit Report 2015/16 produced by the Devon Audit Partnership following its successful tender bid for a three year contract.
The Audit opinion was that the systems and controls generally mitigated the risk identified but a few weaknesses had been identified and/or mitigating controls had not been fully applied. There were no significant matters arising from the audit and the recommendations made served to strengthen what were mainly reliable procedures.
“Good standard” levels of assurance had been given for each of the following areas covered during the audit:-
· ICT Strategy;
· Change Management;
· Incident and Problem solving; and
· Key operational functions.
With regard to the risk to business continuity with ageing network assets, the Chief Operating Officer advised that many of the main network switches would have been replaced by March 2018 (East Devon District Council building moves) advised that external equipment was of the highest standard and that the Global Desktop project would make maximum use of PC’s that are even 10 years old. Moreover, new network cabling and switches had been installed at Teignbridge with East Devon to benefit from modern equipment on the office move.
Strata Joint Scrutiny Committee noted the report and commended staff on maintaining such high standards of control during a challenging period.