Issue - meetings

Student Issues Supplementary Planning Guidance

Meeting: 19/06/2007 - Executive (Item 73)

73 Supplementary Planning Guidance Expansion of University of Exeter - Results of Consultation pdf icon PDF 187 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Planning Services.


(Report circulated)


The report of the Head of Planning Services was submitted seeking to adopt the proposed amended guidance as a result of the consultation on draft supplementary planning guidance on development relating to the University of Exeter. 


Members discussed the impact of student accommodation, both on and off-campus, on the supply of private housing and rent levels in the City. They supported the principle of designated student accommodation and acknowledged that there were a number of sites in the City suitable for multi-storey buildings for this purpose. The possibility of providing student housing outside the City boundaries was raised but it was acknowledged this was unlikely to be an option that would be attractive to students. It would also be unsustainable and bus/train frequencies were likely to deter students from this option.


The Director Economy and Development emphasised the need for the University to produce a Master Plan. He commented on the importance of retaining a high quality environment at the Streatham Campus, in view of its high landscape value and its ecological importance. There was also a preference for development on campus for additional teaching facilities. He considered that the building of designated student accommodation would provide the best outcome in terms of the supply of housing in the City by taking students out of the private rented housing market and undertook to raise with the University their policy in relation to rent levels and increases.  


RESOLVED that the proposed amended supplementary planning guidance set out in Appendix 2 of the report be adopted.


(Report circulated)