Issue - meetings

Housing Strategy 2007/09.

Meeting: 18/09/2007 - Executive (Item 103)

103 Housing Strategy 2007/12 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Housing Services.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 4 September and their comments will be reported.


(Report circulated)


The report of the Head of Housing Services was submitted, seeking Members’ views on the content of the revised Housing Strategy 2007 – 2012 and briefing Members on the results of the Exeter and Torbay Housing Market Assessment.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 4 September 2007 and the support and comments of members were noted.


The Head of Housing Services reported on Exeter’s excellent record on the provision of affordable housing and the particular success of incentive schemes in encouraging tenants who were under-occupying properties to move to smaller homes.  He reported that certain statistics within the report were subject to clarification pending the signing-off of the Exeter and Torbay Housing Market Assessment. When finalised, the Assessment would be circulated to Members.


Executive members welcomed the useful and comprehensive information presented in the report. They were pleased to note the undertaking given by the Prime Minister that Councils would be enabled to build their own housing stock and requested that clarification be sought on the Government’s proposals for the relaxation of current restrictions.


Executive recommended that:-


(1)        the revised Housing Strategy document 2007 – 2012 be adopted;


(2)        an annual report is submitted outlining progress against the Strategy’s action plan; and


(3)        the Head of Housing Services be requested to seek clarification from the Government on their proposals for enabling Councils to build their own housing stock.


The report of the Head of Housing Services was submitted, seeking Members’ views on the content of the revised Housing Strategy 2007 – 2012 and briefing Members on the results of the Exeter and Torbay Housing Market Assessment.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 4 September 2007 and the support and comments of members were noted.


The Head of Housing Services reported on Exeter’s excellent record on the provision of affordable housing and the particular success of incentive schemes in encouraging tenants who were under-occupying properties to move to smaller homes.  He reported that certain statistics within the report were subject to clarification pending the signing-off of the Exeter and Torbay Housing Market Assessment. When finalised, the Assessment would be circulated to Members.


Executive members welcomed the useful and comprehensive information presented in the report. They were pleased to note the undertaking given by the Prime Minister that Councils would be enabled to build their own housing stock and requested that clarification be sought on the Government’s proposals for the relaxation of current restrictions.




(1)        the revised Housing Strategy document 2007 – 2012 be adopted;


(2)        an annual report is submitted outlining progress against the Strategy’s action plan; and


(3)        the Head of Housing Services be requested to seek clarification from the Government on their proposals for enabling Councils to build their own housing stock.


(Report circulated)

Meeting: 04/09/2007 - Scrutiny Committee - Community (Item 51)

51 Housing Strategy 2007/12 pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Housing Services – report circulated. 


Councillor Choules declared a personal interest in this matter as he was an employee of the University of Exeter.


The Head of Housing Services presented the report seeking Members’ views on the content of the revised Housing Strategy 2007-12 and briefed Members on the results of the Exeter and Torbay Housing Market Assessment.


The report identified the future housing requirements for different types of properties and tenures in the City and set out the steps proposed within the Strategy to accommodate predicted growth in housing demand. It was noted that 5,256 additional dwellings, across all tenures, would need to be provided in Exeter over the five year period to sustain the existing supply and demand balance. Because of high house prices and as Exeter was an economic hub the total requirement for the Exeter travel to work area was 8,000. It was noted that the some 4,000 extra dwellings were required in the Torbay area.


Responding to a Member he advised that, although the Council did have the power to purchase private properties from householders who wished to downsize, extending this policy to the re-purchase of former Council houses would be very expensive. There would also be an impact on the overall amount of Government grant available for housing purposes.


The Housing Market Assessment study had been undertaken to support bids, in association with housing association partners, for Government funding. It was hoped that it would lead to a better share of the regional allocation.


He explained that the working group delivering the strategy comprised the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Inclusion and relevant officers. He also advised that Torbay had been included in the survey to reduce the overall cost and because a significant number of people lived and commuted to and from both areas. The survey had encompassed the Exeter Travel to work area which incorporated Mid Devon, East Devon and Teignbridge as required by the Regional Housing Body.


Inward migration was a significant element in increasing housing demand. Net migration into Exeter during 2000-2005 had been 4,620 and, of these, 3,500 had been in the 16-24 category. Members were concerned therefore that some of the pressures for increased housing came from the influx of students into the City and that the University should seek to maximise the use of its large campus to house these increasing numbers. One Member remarked however that the provision of student houses in the City was in some cases developer led.


The target of 35% affordable housing was considered to be realistic and had been reached in consultation with planning officers and following a viability study. He confirmed that it was not the intention to seek developments within Valley Parks.


He explained that an Equalities Impact Assessment had been undertaken in line with Government requirements to seek greater diversity, equality and accessibility.


Scrutiny Committee supported the report and requested Executive to:-


(1)        adopt the revised Housing Strategy Document 2007-12; and


(2)             approve the submission of an annual report outlining progress against  ...  view the full minutes text for item 51