Citypoint - Paris Street and Sidwell Street Regeneration
To consider the report of the City Surveyor.
Agreed |
(1) The progress to date on bringing forward the Citypoint site be noted; and
(2) The City Surveyor be authorised, in consultation with the Leader and the Chief Executive & Growth Director, to negotiate and enter into a joint ownership and land promotion agreement with the other main land owners on the site.
Reason for Decision: |
As set out in the report.
The Director (DB) presented the report on the progress of plans for the wider development of the former Bus & Coach Station and adjoining areas of Paris Street and Sidwell Street and to seek authority for the City Surveyor to take the next steps to progress the redevelopment proposition. There had been substantial work undertaken to move the development forward and the next step would be to enter into a joint ownership and land promotion agreement, to bring the development forward in a comprehensive manner. These agreements were especially valuable during periods of economic uncertainty.
Members were referred to the design plans in the report, noting the proposed developments on the land would include: office spaces, luxury and budget hotels, built to rent housing, retail space, multi-purpose performance venue and the new Civic Centre and Bus Station.
Councillor D Moore, having given notice under Standing Order No.44, spoke on this item. She had submitted three questions relating to city centre business. The Leader provided responses, which are appended to these minutes.
In response to a Member’s question, the Chief Executive & Growth Director explained that the advantage of the proposed joint arrangements, would be to ensure that the development would be deliverable. There was the risk, that should any partner organisation decide to back out as a joint partner, then the development would be delayed. Market research testing had identified that there was a great interest from various brands, including blue chip companies to build in Exeter. A joint working practice would support the Council’s vision of delivering a high quality development and joint partnership arrangements was considered to be the best approach to move the project forward.
The Chief Executive & Growth Director discussed national funding issues, and that despite these issues, Exeter City Council was continuing to address sustainability and testing working practices, to enable the development of Grade A. office and accommodation space during a period of financial uncertainty.
Members expressed their satisfaction on the progress of the work undertaken and the recommendations to move the development forward.
(1) The progress to date on bringing forward the Citypoint site be noted; and
(2) The City Surveyor be authorised, in consultation with the Leader and the Chief Executive & Growth Director, to negotiate and enter into a joint ownership and land promotion agreement with the other main land owners on the site.