Issue - meetings

Delegated authority to make temporary changes to polling districts

Meeting: 09/02/2021 - Executive (Item 20)

20 Delegation of Powers to Amend Polling Districts and Polling Places pdf icon PDF 246 KB

To consider the report of the Returning Officer Exeter City Council.


Additional documents:




RECOMMENDED that Council approve delegated powers being given to the Returning Officer of Exeter City Council or Acting Returning Officer (or appointed Deputy) to amend the designation of Parliamentary and Local Government polling districts and polling places, on a temporary basis, should it become necessary to do so, at short notice to facilitate the conduct of elections within the City of Exeter, due to any urgent issues which might arise, concerning the availability of polling places and polling stations and where there is insufficient time for amendments to be made and approved by Council.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.




The Executive received the report on the delegation of power to amend the designation of Parliamentary and Local Government polling districts and polling places, on a temporary basis, to the Returning Officer of Exeter City Council, or Acting Returning Officer or other relevant post (or appointed Deputy) if there was a requirement at short notice. 


The Covid-19 Pandemic had highlighted potential implications of disruption to the electoral process should there be a sudden unavailability of a polling place or polling station, and to allow the Returning Officer to make alternative arrangements where there was insufficient time to follow the usual process of gaining Council approval to seek an alternative location.


In the unlikely event of a change being necessary, all Councillors, candidates and their agents and the voting public would be notified at the earliest opportunity.


RECOMMENDED that Council approve delegated powers being given to the Returning Officer of Exeter City Council or Acting Returning Officer (or appointed Deputy) to amend the designation of Parliamentary and Local Government polling districts and polling places, on a temporary basis, should it become necessary to do so, at short notice to facilitate the conduct of elections within the City of Exeter, due to any urgent issues which might arise, concerning the availability of polling places and polling stations and where there is insufficient time for amendments to be made and approved by Council.