62 Members' Training PDF 333 KB
To consider the report of the Director Corporate Services.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Executive note the Members’ Training report.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
The Executive received the report which provided an update on the progress of work on the Members’ training programme. Members were reminded that the Councillor Development Steering Group had requested regular reports to be presented to the Executive providing a regular update on the Members’ training programme. The report highlighted Members’ attendance for the various training sessions held since December 2022, and provided Councillor Feedback to date on training or briefing sessions that they had attended.
Particular reference was made to number of events held during the period had equated to an 8% increase in attendance since the last report. Although, the volume of feedback had decreased, of the responses received, 82% were very satisfied with the training provided. Members were also encouraged to continue using the Councillor Feedback forms and where they were unable to be in attendance, to view the session recordings and notify Democratic Services accordingly. Members noted that SSS Training Platform licence would expire later in year and were also encouraged to complete any available training as soon as possible.
Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item. She welcomed the report and thanked officers for the training that had been provided. She highlighted the need to bring Scrutiny training forward, particularly for new Members.
In response to a question raised, the Democratic Services Manager advised that feedback was made through the provided form links and that Members would continue to be encouraged to send the forms in, following each training session. It was hoped that with more training being provided, that the response rate would increase.
During the discussion the following points were made:-
· the SSS Training system provided many training courses, which were highly relevant to Members to undertake;
· Members were individually responsible for GDPR matters and GDPR training was available on the SSS Training platform, which Members, should consider completing; and
· there was an issue with links to the feedback forms on the Councillor iPad’s, and alternative means of navigation to the forms were often difficult for Members and needed to be addressed.
RESOLVED that the Executive note the Members’ Training report.