98 Corporate Plan 2022-26 PDF 465 KB
To consider the report of the Deputy Chief Executive.
Additional documents:
RECOMMENDED that Council:-
(1) approve the Council's 2022-26 draft Corporate Plan; and
(2) grant delegated authority to the Chief Executive & Growth Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to draft any necessary amendments before publication.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
The Executive received the report on the Council’s draft 2022-26 Corporate Plan, which set out how the Council would operate in its role in delivering the agreed Exeter Vision 2040. There were five strategic priorities outlined in the plan to achieve the vision for the city, which would be delivered through various strategies such as the Exeter Plan, as well as through the service plans of various Council departments.
Particular reference was made to the focus on leading a well-run Council which underlined the importance of ensuring that the Council was a fit for purpose organisation in order to deliver on the key priorities. The priorities would be reviewed on an annual basis and its progress would be monitored by the Strategic Management Board (SMB) and Members.
The Leader highlighted that an all Members’ Briefing on the Corporate Plan had been scheduled, but had been cancelled due to the recent mourning period for HRH Queen Elizabeth, and there had been no time to arrange a subsequent briefing ahead of bringing the Plan to Members for approval.
Councillor Jobson, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item and highlighted that an all Members’ briefing would be welcomed.
RECOMMENDED that Council:-
(1) approve the Council's 2022-26 draft Corporate Plan; and
(2) grant delegated authority to the Chief Executive & Growth Director, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to draft any necessary amendments before publication.