106 A Public Art Strategy for Exeter PDF 477 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism.
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RECOMMENDED that Council approve the Public Art Strategy for Exeter, to implement it where feasible and support the work of the Liveable Place Board, Exeter Culture, the cultural sector, local businesses, and key stakeholders in delivering the Strategy.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
The Executive received the report for a Public Art Strategy for Exeter, which provided an overview of the new ways of thinking about Public Art in Exeter and acknowledging the need for greater coherence and transparency around current practices across the city. The Strategy had been commissioned by Exeter City Council in partnership with the University of Exeter and Exeter Culture, and had been drafted by Art Work Exeter.
An investment of £12,000 from Research England’s Strategic Policy Fund had been secured through the University of Exeter to develop the Strategy. The investment would seek to develop a new Public Art policy and strategy to bring ambition and improved future public art opportunities in a growing city. Art Work Exeter had consulted with several artist’s curators, commissioners, consultants and specialists in developing the Public Art Strategy to ensure that there were key quality criteria, for all involved with art and culture.
Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item. She welcomed the Strategy and enquired about whether future funding would be coming from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)?
The Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism explained that the Strategy was funded by the University of Exeter and there were no future financial impacts from the report.
Members welcomed the Strategy.
RECOMMENDED that Council approve the Public Art Strategy for Exeter, to implement it where feasible and support the work of the Liveable Place Board, Exeter Culture, the cultural sector, local businesses, and key stakeholders in delivering the Strategy.