114 Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy PDF 367 KB
To consider the report of the Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism.
Additional documents:
RECOMMENDED that Council approve the Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy subject to financial constraints.
Reason for Decision: As amended at the meeting.
The Executive received the report on the proposed Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy which outlined both current and future demand for formal sports pitches in Exeter, and provided a framework for resource prioritisation and informed planning decisions. The strategy would be reviewed on an annual basis to monitor the changing sports landscape in Exeter.
The Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy provided an important evidence base for the Exeter Local Plan and demonstrated the Council’s commitment to improving playing pitches across the city. The Strategy was being delivered to the methodology outlined from Sport England and independent consultants. The Strategy also provided a framework for partnership working and delivering on the outlined priorities and had been endorsed by Sport England.
Particular reference was made to the community sports hub approach and the extensive consultation that had been undertaken with more than 100 sports clubs, who had contributed to the strategy. Future proposals would go to a public consultation and the local steering group partners would work to push priorities forward and implement programmes in the city.
The Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services & Physical Activity moved an amendment to the recommendations: -
(1) That the Executive recommends and Council approve the Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy subject to financial constraints.
It was explained that the reason for the amendment to the recommendations would provide clarity that the options for discussion were still in draft form and subject to financial constraints, which would mean all proposals would still be subject to planning and appropriate public consultations.
Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item. She welcomed the Strategy and enquired about 3G football turf pitches and associated environmental problems and whether consultants had been advised on alternative options for improvements. She further enquired if special consideration had been given to people with disabilities?
In responding, the Active & Healthy People Programme Lead explained that the Football Association was currently researching pitches and trialling the use of different materials over 3G and were liaising with various organisations. Several inclusive clubs had contributed to the strategy and all groups would be welcome to contribute to the Strategy which would be updated on a regular basis.
Councillor Jobson, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item and welcomed the report.
Members welcomed the report which provided the means to identify resources and make improvements to playing pitches in the city.
The Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services & Physical Activity thanked officers for the work that had been undertaken and noted the playing pitch strategy recognised the investment in community sports hub and that the Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy would be reviewed on an annual basis.
Following the discussion, Councillor Parkhouse moved and was seconded by Councillor Wright to amend the recommendations in the report which were voted for and supported unanimously.
RECOMMENDED that Council approve the Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy subject to financial constraints.