To consider the report of the Director of City Development.
Additional documents:
(1) the Liveable Water Lane: Development Framework and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (included at Appendix A of the report and hereafter referred to as the Water Lane SPD) be approved as the basis for public consultation commencing on 23 October 2023;
(2) the Director City Development, in consultation with the Council Leader and Portfolio Holder for City Development be granted delegated authority to agree minor changes to the Water Lane SPD content before it is published for consultation; and
(3) the Director City Development, in consultation with the Council Leader and Portfolio Holder for City Development, be granted delegated authority to agree a change to the consultation start date if required
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.
The Executive received the report on the progress made to prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide development at Water Lane and sought approval for public consultation on the document. The SPD provided a development framework and design code for a key strategic brownfield site in Exeter and support the delivery of high quality, co-ordinated redevelopment in the area.
The Council had a statutory duty to consult on the Water Lane SPD before it could be adopted and a consultation undertaken during the autumn period, would allow the Council to adopt the SPD in time for it to guide the determination of planning applications that have been made, or are anticipated to be made, soon. The SPD would also assist the Council in delivering the Liveable Exeter principles which were consulted upon in the Outline Draft Exeter Plan in 2022.
Members were advised that the new vision for Water Lane was in creating a high quality, low carbon neighbourhood, focussed on the Exeter Ship Canal for 1,500 new homes and would follow the Exeter Vision principles and Exeter Plan. The design code would set out rules for developers to adhere to and how the rules would be applied across a large area providing the key place marking elements.
Members noted that there had been a lot of engagement work undertaken with stakeholders, Councillors and community groups and the next stage would be to commence the public consultation which coincided with the Exeter Plan consultation.
Councillor Jobson, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item and welcomed the consultation.
Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item and welcomed the report, noting it was an important document for the area of the city and enquired how it would impact on planning applications before the document was approved. She also enquired on the approach to resolving risks to the environment, canal health and transport.
The Portfolio Holder for City Development advised that document would look to improve the community and create a more vibrant area. Engagement with the community and stakeholders had been ongoing and it was a good time for consultation for further engagement and amendments.
The Leader advised that detail on the approach to resolving risks to the environment, canal health and transport would be responded outside of the meeting.
(1) the Liveable Water Lane: Development Framework and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (included at Appendix A of the report and hereafter referred to as the Water Lane SPD) be approved as the basis for public consultation commencing on 23 October 2023;
(2) the Director City Development, in consultation with the Council Leader and Portfolio Holder for City Development be granted delegated authority to agree minor changes to the Water Lane SPD content before it is published for consultation; and
(3) the Director City Development, in consultation with the Council Leader and Portfolio Holder for City Development, be granted delegated authority to agree a change to the consultation start date if required. ... view the full minutes text for item 96