Issue - meetings

One Exeter Annual Report

Meeting: 06/02/2024 - Executive (Item 23)

23 Annual Review of One Exeter Programme pdf icon PDF 180 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive.

Additional documents:




RECOMMENDED that Council note the progress with the programme.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





The Executive received the annual review report of the One Exeter programme and the planned programme of work over the next 12 months in supporting the delivery of a well-run Council. Since the previous report, work had also incorporated organisational improvements to deliver on Member’s priorities and respond to recommendations put forward by the LGA as part of their Decision Making and Accountability review. 


Particular reference was made to:-


·    the various workstreams outlined in the report had been assigned to a specific Strategic Director;

·    a new values and behaviours framework had been introduced through collaboration with staff and that reference had been made in the corporate plan;

·    work on developing a more collaborative working culture had been undertaken, which the creation of the Extended Leadership Team, consisting of the Strategic Management Board (SMB) and Operational Management Board (OMB) to address cross cutting issues;

·    work had been undertaken to identify similar areas of work being conducted across the organisation and whether there were opportunities to do this work differently;

·    all staff were invited to attend a meeting with SMB to talk about priorities, values and behaviours, which had been well received;

·    Microsoft 365 had been rolled out to staff and work was underway to provide the system for Members; and

·    thanks were made to SMB and OMB for their work in bringing the One Exeter initiative forward.


Councillor Moore, as an opposition group leader enquired on the strategic risk relating to the outcome of the change process and the impact on quality of service. She also enquired on the review trigger point to ensure the risk of cuts was reduced.


Councillor M. Mitchell, as an opposition group leader suggested a Members Briefing would be beneficial later in the year and enquired on how the customer and Member relationship fit in.


Councillor Jobson, as an opposition group leader welcomed the report and supported the suggestion of holding a Member Briefing.


Executive Members made the following points:-


·         the report and the extensive work undertaken was welcomed,

·         the LGA summary of improvements were noted;

·         work on how Executive Members collaborated with Directors was underway and would be rolled out at the proper time;

·         how were the staff briefings received and what was addressed? and

·         how was the issue of administrative support being addressed?


The Chief Executive in responding to questions and points raised by Members advised:-


·         the all-staff meetings, were incredibly positive and staff appreciated seeing all of SMB together in one place to engage with them. The questions and responses put to SMB would be made available to Members; and

·         work on automation and digitization was being addressed to reduce the level of admin and the cross cutting work would also help to provide understanding of what admin work was being undertaken.


The Leader advised that a Member Briefing would be provided going forward and the detail of the work would be provided.


RECOMMENDED that Council note the progress with the programme.