Issue - meetings

Adoption of the Liveable Water Lane Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 09/07/2024 - Executive (Item 79)

79 Liveable Water Lane: Development Framework and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 157 KB

To consider the report the Director City Development.

Additional documents:




RECOMMENDED that Council approves the adoption of the Water Lane SPD, included as Appendix A of the report.


RESOLVED that the Executive:-


(1) note the Consultation Statement which documents responses to the consultation on the Liveable Water Lane: development Framework and Design Code Supplementary Planning Document (the “Water Lane SPD"), the Water Lane SPD Strategic Environmental Appraisal Screening Statement, the Water Lane Primary School Options Appraisal, the Haven Road Position Statement, the Liveable Water Lane SPD Transport and Mobility Technical Note, and the Water Lane Views Analysis;


(2) grant delegated authority to the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Council Leader and Portfolio Holder for City Development, to agree minor changes to the Water Lane SPD before it is taken to Council with a recommendation to adopt.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





The Executive received the report which sought Council approval to adopt a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide development at Water Lane. The SPD was required to support the delivery of high-quality, co-ordinated redevelopment and placemaking in the Water Lane area of the city, whilst assisting the Council in delivering the Liveable Exeter Principles and supported the preparation of the Exeter Plan.


Particular reference was made to:-


·         Water Lane was one of the City Council's strategic priorities and was a key Liveable Exeter regeneration opportunity;

·         most of the area had been allocated for development about 20 years ago, with a commitment to produce a master plan for water Lane, which the SPD had delivered on;

·         the SPD would help shape development at Water Lane and support the coordination of the design and infrastructure with developers;

·         a significant amount of technical work had been included in SPD documents  which had been prepared by consultants led by LDA design;

·         the work had been paid for from a government grant from Holmes England;

·         the SPD would form a part of the formal planning policy ahead of the emerging Exeter Plan;

·         a major element of the work undertaken had been on consultation and engagement with developers and communities. Consultation had followed the same process used in the Exeter Plan and included statutory bodies such as the Environment Agency and Historic England;

·         the location of the neighbourhood centre had been amended and flexibility of the primary school location had been included;

·         there had been refinements made to the facilities for water access;

·         more control had been included for building heights, street design and density;

·         more clarity was given to cycling and walking, and introducing bus routes, with restrictions on car parking; and

·         the SPD was divided into seven key principles which were outlined in the report.


 Opposition group leaders spoke on the item and made the following points:-


·         Cllr Mitchell – enquired on whether the SPD provided protection against developers who did not support the Council’s vision and what security did the SPD provide for delivering the vision?


·         Cllr Moore – welcomed the report and noted residents were open to the development. She commented on the issues of increased density and design in key areas and the need for having a primary care facility and commitment to including NHS facilities.


She further commented on developers providing support for a bridge across the canal for active travel and whether developers would be expected to demonstrate their commitment to limiting negative climate and environmental construction.


·         Cllr Jobson – welcomed the report and the need for developers to understand Gabriel’s Wharf must remain open, which was vital to the canal.


During the discussion, the following points were made:


·         the issues on Gabriel's Wharf had been raised with the team;

·         the report was commended and demonstrated good practise in consultation processes and thanks were made to the officers involved;

·         how was the SPD information being linked to the current planning applications for this area?

·         the detailed report highlighted the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79